Green Architecture: Designing an Ecologically Sound Dwelling
Green architecture has evolved in many places with various names such as natural, healthy, ecological, organic, biological, harmonic, sacred, holistic, etc. The general focus of Modern...

Customer Requirements in Industrialized Housing
Residential construction efforts in the U.S. are highly fragmented, and this has slowed the application of new technologies. While there has been an increase in the use of manufactured...

Transportation Planning Requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAAs) of 1990: A Highway Perspective
The transportation community faces many challenges ahead, as it tries to meet the Nation's mobility needs, reduce congestion levels, and improve air quality. Traffic congestion is increasing...

Opportunities for Improved Transportation Planning
The approaches, technical procedures, and analytical methodologies utilized for urban transportation planning need to be improved if the intent of the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air...

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's Anticipated Response to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
By virtue of its charter to provide continuing, cooperative and comprehensive planning, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has a commitment to adopt and maintain...

San Francisco Bay Area's Experience Developing Transportation Control Measures for Air Quality Plans
The San Francisco Bay Area has included Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) in air quality planning efforts since the early 1970s. Growing concern for traffic congestion has enhanced...

The Clean Air Act: Opportunities for the Transit Industry
The 1990 Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) have opened up new opportunities for transit agencies, especially those in large urban areas with the worst air pollution problems. The...

Arizona's Metropolitan Travel Reduction Programs
This paper documents the short-term response to Arizona's metropolitan travel reduction programs. The Phoenix (Maricopa County) and Tucson (Pima County) programs were initiated in 1988....

Effectiveness of Implemented HOV Lane System
Individual carpool lanes have proven their worth on a case by case basis. Now, in California and across the country, systems of HOV lanes are being planned for urban areas dealing with...

Land Use, Transportation and Air Quality Relationships
Increasing land development densities and reducing suburban sprawl is frequently considered as a tool to reduce vehicle miles of travel and resultant air pollution emissions. Two studies...

Estimation of Travel Related Inputs to Air Quality Models
A major contribution to air pollution is vehicular travel, i.e., mobile sources. The estimation of pollutant emissions due to vehicular travel is a major task of air quality modeling....

VMT for Air Quality Purposes
This paper addresses VMT as one of the important parameters in air quality analysis. It covers three main topics: (1) The context in which VMT should be viewed as one parameter for measuring...

Generating Detailed Emissions Forecasts Using Regional Transportation Models: Current Capabilities and Issues
Mobile source emission estimates have long been calculated using composite emission factors (expressed as grams of emissions per mile) and estimates of vehicle-miles travelled. Techniques...

GIS for Transportation and Air Quality Analysis
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) promise significant potential to manage complex spatial data often required to address transportation and air quality analysis problems. However, this...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Transportation Control Measures for San Luis Obispo County, California
The San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District has developed simple techniques to estimate emission reductions from various Transportation Control Measures. Accurate emission estimates...

In-Use Emissions with Today's Closed-Loop Systems
Closed-loop emission control systems were adopted by most motor vehicle manufacturers on a wide-spread basis in model year 1981, in order to meet the 1981 and later Federal exhaust emission...

Characteristics of MOBILE4 and EMFAC7E Models
Several recent studies (e.g., Lawson et al., 1990; Ingalls, 1989) have indicated that the EPA and ARB vehicle emission factor models MOBILE4 and EMFAC7E underpredict in-use vehicle emission...

Intersection Air Quality Analysis
Methods of carbon monoxide concentration estimation at or near intersections have recently undergone scrutiny with resulting debate on the proper and accurate ways to make these estimates...

Modeling Guideline for Air Quality Analysis of Intersections
Model evaluations have been performed testing eight different models for the ability to estimate carbon monoxide near intersections. These evaluation results along with the need for updated...

Developing Protocols for Motor Vehicle Air Quality Modeling
This paper is directed to air quality analysts. It examines the issues surrounding a modeling protocol and how to work effectively with a traffic engineer on a project to model carbon...





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