The Impact of No Net Loss of Wetlands on Water Power Development Alternatives
Federal commitment to wetlands protection is increasing. The Bush Administration has embraced an as yet undefined goal of 'no net loss of wetlands' and various...

Extensive Civil Penalties Apply?Lessons Learned Since Waterpower '89
Section 12 of ECPA authorized the FERC to assess civil penalties in enforcing Part I of the Federal Power Act and its implementing regulations, as well as the terms and conditions of hydropower...

Brule Hydroelectric Project Inflow Design Flood Study
In 1987, Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WE) was directed by FERC to provide additional spillway capacity at it's 63-foot (19 m) high Brule Dam. Original spillway capacity...

The National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program?A Basis for Water-Resource Policy Development
The concepts that are the basis for the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program began forming in the early 1980's. By 1986,...

Flexible Supply Schedule Missing Link for Effective Surface Irrigation and Automation
Surface irrigation methods - furrow and border-strip are generally thought of as being inefficient and labor intensive. Careful evaluations have shown that as methods they can be very...

Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport from Reserve Pits
A mathematical modeling study was performed to evaluate potential health and environmental risks due to contaminant transport from exploration and production well freshwater drilling mud...

Risk-Based Decision-Making Regarding Mixed Waste Disposal Systems
An efficient approach has been developed for making rational and defensible decisions among a variety of 'options' (e.g., remedial actions, engineered barrier...

Predicting Microbial Contamination of Ground Water
As a result of the drinking water standards for viruses established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1985, mandatory groundwater disinfection requirements were recently...

Health Benefits From the Use of Appropriate Technologies in Water Supply and Sanitation
Research on selected diseases in developing countries has found significant health impacts from water supply and sanitation interventions. Sanitation, personal and domestic hygiene, and...

Using Social Infrastructure in Support of Appropriate Technology
This paper proposes and argues for an expanded definition of social infrastructure, suggesting that the creation, adoption and maintenance of appropriate technology are dependent upon...

Management of Water Resources Distribution in Iran
On the basis of 45th principle of the Iranian Constitution, seawater as well as river waters, streams and any other natural course, whether surface or underground, also floods, wastewaters,...

Sedimentation Aspects of Floodplain Management
This paper presents sedimentation aspects of a recent disastrous flood that occurred during September 10-12 1990 in the Han River basin, a central part of the Korean peninsula. The flood...

A Strategy for Partnering in the Public Sector
Partnering is a cooperative approach to contract management that reduces costs, litigation, and stress. The Portland District of the corps of Engineers has successfully used partnering...

Biological and Physical Aspects of Dredging, Kings Bay, Georgia
This proceedings, Biological and Physical Aspects of Dredging in Kings Bay, Georgia, contains papers presented at Coastal Zone '91,...

The California Coastal Zone Experience
This proceedings, California Coastal Zone Experience, contains papers presented at Coastal Zone '91, the Seventh Symposium on...

Coastal Wetlands
This proceedings, Coastal Wetlands, contains papers presented at Coastal Zone '91, the Seventh Symposium on Coastal and Ocean...

Coastal Zone '91
Coastal Zone '91 is the seventh in a series of biennial multidisciplinary symposia on comprehensive coastal and ocean management. The papers included in this proceedings review...

Coastlines of the Caribbean
This proceedings, Coastlines of the Caribbean, contains papers presented at Coastal Zone '91, the Seventh Symposium on Coastal...

Coastlines of Japan
This proceedings, Coastlines of Japan, contains papers presented at Coastal Zone '91, the Seventh Symposium on Coastal and Ocean...

Volatilization of PCBs From the Great Lakes
The potential volatilization of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and other semi-volatile organic chemicals (SOCs) from Lake Superior and Green Bay, Lake Michigan, is being investigated. The...





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