An Overview of the Potential Applications of Neural Networks in Civil Engineering
Neural networks are computational models inspired by the structure and operation of the brain. They are massively parallel systems, made up of a large number of highly interconnected,...

Mapping Structural Damage to Monetary Damage
Earthquake damage estimation/prediction is still an area which requires expertise and judgment of the experts in the field. Making the predictions/estimates more accurate is an area of...

Time Variant Reliability Under Environmental Loads
Time variant reliability with deteriorating resistance under a stochastic load process is considered. An outcrossing formulation for fatigue degradation is presented, and a simple and...

A Model Specification for Pultruded Structural Shapes: An Industry Collaborative
The use of pultruded products is steadily increasing. To support this growth, the industry has identified the need for a collaborative effort in developing standards that form a base line...

Dynamic Response of Variable Height Retaining Walls
A full-scale dynamic test was conducted on a 140 ft long reinforced concrete retaining wall. The observed resonant configurations were similar to those of a cantilever plate and showed...

Analysis of the Seismic Records of a Suspension Bridge
A well-instrumented suspension bridge in Los Angeles, was shaken by the October 1, 1987 Whittier earthquake (ML = 5.9). This study addresses the...

Ambient Vibration Survey: Sunshine Skyway Bridge
An ambient vibration survey of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge was performed. The goal of this survey was to provide field data on the dynamic characteristics of the structure to corroborate...

What is Optimization?
Basic concepts of optimization are described using design of a plate girder as an example. First, a way to formulate the problem as an optimization problem is presented. Then basic terminologies...

Numerical and Centrifuge Modeling of an Arch Dam on Jointed Rock
This paper addresses the stability of an arch dam built on highly fractured argillite. A large concrete thrust block combined with a wing dam forms the left dam abutment. The last FERC...

Sensitivity Analyses for Total-System Performance Assessment
As a follow-on to Sandia's 1991 preliminary total-system performance assessment of the Yuc1ca Mountain site, this paper presents results of some sensitivity analyses that were done using...

Rainfall and Net Infiltration Probabilities for Future Climate Conditions at Yucca Mountain
Performance assessment of repository integrity is a task rendered difficult because it requires predicting the future. This challenge has occupied many scientists who realize that the...

Numerical Methods for Fluid Flow in Unsaturated Heterogeneous Tuff
A numerical approach for modeling unsaturated flow is developed for heterogeneous simulations of fractured tuff generated using a geostatistical method. Cross correlations of hydrologic...

Assessment of Volcanic and Tectonic Hazards to High Level Radioactive Waste Repositories
Golder Associates Inc. (GAI) has developed a computer program (RIP) for performing probabilistic total system performance assessment and site characterization strategy evaluation which...

A Computer-Generated Film of Repository Operations
For the past fifteen years, the same types of questions concerning nuclear waste repository operations have kept coming up over and over again. What should be the average throughput for...

Modeling Gas and Brine Migration for Assessing Compliance of the WIPP
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is developing the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico as a facility for the long-term disposal of defense-related transuranic...

A Note on Physical Modeling Approach for Assessment of Excavation Techniques
With the growing interest in utilizing underground space, the need for quantitative and qualitative assessment of excavation techniques to dictate the best choice for mining is now becoming...

Preliminary Characterization of Materials for a Reactive Transport Model Validation Experiment
The geochemical properties of a porous sand and several tracers (Ni, Br, and Li) have been characterized for use in a caisson experiment designed to validate sorption models used in models...

The Pursuit of International Science Literacy Through Energy Education: An Interdisciplinary Model for Curriculum Development
Over the past two decades science educators have employed the science, technology, and society (STS) framework for framing curriculum and for prescribing instruction. Ongoing world wide...

Modelling Gas Migration Experiments in Repository
In response to concerns over the possibility of hydrogen gas generation within an underground repository for high-level radioactive waste, and its implications for repository safety, a...

Heat and Vapor Transport Beneath an Impermeable Cap
Vadose-zone moisture transport near an impermeable barrier has been under study at a field site near Albuquerque, NM since 1990. Moisture content and temperature have been monitored in...





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