Design and Construction of TCE/PCE Removal Facilities
This paper presents a review of the design and construction of a facility in Arcadia, California, to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from ground water. (Edited...

Transport of Halogenated Organics in Saturated Groundwater Flow: Theoretical and Experimental Results
This paper presents the development of a mathematical model to describe transport of organic chemicals in saturated soil columns and compares model predictions to experimental results....

Solubility of Aromat6ic Solutes and Sorption onto Soil in Polar Solvent/Water Systems
An investigation was performed to evaluate the solubility and sorption of aromatic solutes onto soil from an aqueous phase containing polar solvent. This work relates to the evaluation...

Dewatering--Avoiding Its Unwanted Side Effects
The undesirable side effects that sometimes occur when dewatering for construction or mining are presented, including: ground settlement due to dewatering; deterioration of timber piling;...

EPA Groundwater Protection Strategy Overview
Recently the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its Groundwater Protection Strategy with the objective to strengthen states' and EPA's programs dealing...

Interbasin Transfers of Water in Ogallala States
Water rights to enable a major interbasin transfer can be obtained either through an initial appropriation or by acquiring an existing water right. All unappropriated surface water in...

Incorporating Crop Water Use in Drainage Design in Arid Areas
A method of drainage design for use in arid areas was developed by combining procedures proposed by D. B. McWhorter along with plant uptake functions developed by D. W. Grimes and D. W....

Groundwater Management Districts in Kansas
This paper deals with the management of groundwater in Kansas through the statutory mechanism of the groundwater management district (called a GMD in this paper). A description of the...

Progress in Controlling Subsidence in the Houston Area
The withdrawal of large quantities of groundwater in Harris and Galveston counties of Texas has resulted in a critical subsidence problem, especially in the low lying areas along the coast....

Effect of Santa Rosa Lake on Ground Water Flow to the Pecos River, New Mexico
In 1980, Santa Rosa Dam began impounding water on the Pecos River about 7 miles (11 kilometers) north of Santa Rosa, New Mexico, to provide flood control and storage for irrigation. Santa...

Channels and Groundwater: The Hydraulic Connection
Hydraulic connection between surface and groundwater implies that surface water can seep into the ground (transmission losses from open channels, for example) and eventually become or...

Texas Ground Water Law
Groundwater in Texas is generally considered the property of the surface owner, subject to the rule of capture. This English common law standard was developed at a time when the movement...

On the Implementation of the Coastal Law
The 3rd draft of the Regulation for the Coastal Zone Management of Jiangsu Province has been worked out and is being examined by the Provincial People's Government. The coastal...

A 1-D Saltwater Intrusion Program on the IBM-PC
A one-dimensional finite element program has been developed for use on the IBM-PC as an aid to teaching groundwater hydrology to students. The program uses linear elements and the Galerkin...

Numerical Modelling of Pollutant Transport from a Pond to a Stream
The problem of transport of pollutants in groundwater flow from a polluted shallow pond to a natural stream is considered. A numerical model predicting changes in quality of ground water...

Interfacing Groundwater Data Collection with Microcomputers
Advances in microcomputer based instrumentation have provided new techniques by which groundwater data may be collected and analyzed. The authors have used microcomputer based systems...

A General Microcomputer Approach for Evaluating Ground-Water Responses
A general impulse response function for calculating responses for stream-aquifer interaction, pumping in leaky and nonleaky artesian aquifers, and two dimensional dispersion is presented....

Computer Model Study of a Contaminated Well Field-Groundwater Pollution Source Identification and Contaminant Plume Simulation
Toxic waste contamination is currently threatening the public water-supply wells of the Town of Vestal, New York. As a practical tool to assist the remedial investigation, a two-dimensional...

A Ground Water Flow Model for Protection of the Northwest Well Field, Dade County, Florida
A new study was initiated to determine the appropriate cone of depression for the Northwest Well Field and to develop land use restrictions within that area. A finite-difference ground...

Computer Modeling of Groundwater Flow
In attempting to numerically solve the nonlinear equation for flows in porous media, the Galerkin process, which bears a great similarity to direct methods of the calculus of variations,...





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