Projectile Penetration Into Reinforced Concrete and Steel Targets
This paper presents brief preliminary results of a research program sponsored by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) to investigate the interaction of 30-mm cannon projectiles with...

Materials and Member Behavior
Each of the papers in this book covers some aspect of material properties. New developments in cold formed steel are reviewed. The strength, stiffness, and ductility of steel connections...

Save the Walls
A rehabilitation job in name only, the 75 year old Army and Navy Club, a landmark located in Washington D.C.'s Golden Triangle, retained only two of its 80 ft high exterior...

Exhibits Under Fiberglass
The San Diego Convention Center, scheduled for completion in 1988, is located on 11 acres of downtown land only 150 ft from the bay. It will cost $130 million for total of 1.7 million...

The Sand Bar Hydroelectric Project: A Case History
The Sand Bar project's major features include a reinforced concrete intake structure; 3. 5 miles of twelve foot diameter hard rock tunnel; a reinforced concrete powerhouse...

Analysis of R/C Slab Under Turbine Missile Impact
Turbine missile impact on reinforced concrete barrier in nuclear reactor power plants is simulated using the finite element method. One of four full scale turbine missile impact tests...

Interactive Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations
A new, highly graphical foundation design program, FOUNDATION-3D, provides the designer with a variety of easy to use foundation design tools in a flexible interactive environment. It...

Integrated Design of Concrete Flat Plate Structures
An integrated structural design and drafting system for concrete flat plate floor systems is described. This system provides at a single computer workstation the tools necessary to layout...

Finite Element Analysis of R/C Frames and Frame-Wall Systems
A finite element program has been developed for the analysis of reinforced concrete two-dimensional structures. The element library of the program includes, in addition to standard beam...

Nonlinear Analysis of RC Panels Under In-Plane Loading
A new concrete material model based on a modified Mohr-Coulomb criterion is proposed for the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete panels. Emphases are made on the softening behavior...

Finite Element Analysis of Punching Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structures
The analysis of reinforced concrete structures using up-to-date computer graphic capabilities is presented. A wide range of linear and nonlinear problems are the subject of this investigation....

Creep Modelling for Masonry under Plane Strain
A computational procedure based on the principle of superposition to estimate creep strains in composite masonry walls is developed and presented in this paper. This development is based...

Practical Modeling of Bar Slippage in R/C Joints
A procedure based on the displacement method of analysis has been developed for analyzing the behavior of beam reinforcement crossing the interior beam-column connections under seismic...

Attaching Steel Members to Reinforced Concrete Elements
A variety of structural systems have been devised to strengthen existing buildings for improved seismic resistance. Strengthening methods currently in use for reinforced concrete structures...

Design of an Expert System for the Rating of Highway Bridges
A microcomputer-based expert system used to determine the effects of vehicles and overloaded vehicles on simple span bridges with reinforced concrete deck and prestressed concrete I-beams...

RC Structures Under Severe Loads?An Expert System Approach
The authors propose the application of expert systems to the post-test assessment of specific structural systems. In the study reported, an existing expert system shell was employed and...

Pseudo-Dynamic Testing of Structural Components
The pseudo-dynamic testing procedure is a simultaneous simulation and control process in which inertia and damping properties are simulated and flexibility properties are acquired from...

Hysteretic Behavior of Composite Diaphragms
Floor systems constructed with steel-deck-reinforced concrete are described. When used to resist lateral loads these systems are referred to as diaphragms. A description of a test arrangement,...

Precast Roofs for Blast Shelters
A shallow-buried reinforced concrete blast shelter has been constructed and dynamically tested at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). Three thicknesses of precast...

Cyclic Energy Absorption by Reinforced Concrete
Results are presented on the basis of experiments conducted on conventional and steel fibrous reinforced concrete beams. The effects of the amount and nature of steel reinforcement and...





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