Watershed Management for a Limited Coastal Aquifer System
Developing a watershed strategy, which incorporates key issues of a particular watershed, may entail the coordination of several different agencies. Work performed by the USGS, local public...

Juvenile Fish Separator Design
Separation by size of downstream migrant juvenile salmonids at hydroelectric projects in the Columbia River basin is an integral part of transportation and bypass programs. However, separation...

White River Fish Screen Project Planning and Design
In 1983, Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Puget Power) submitted a license application to FERC for the overall White River Project. One of the elements of the project application was...

Comparison of Water Backwash and Brush Cleaning Systems for Vertical Panel Fish Screens
Vertical plate fish screens have been installed at a number of locations within the Pacific Northwest The vertical orientation of the screen panels requires screen cleaning systems designed...

1995: Where the Past (Paleoflood Hydrology) Meets the Present, Understanding Maximum Flooding
Paleoflood hydrology has become accepted in the scientific, engineering, and regulatory communities and increasingly is being used to complement engineering hydrology throughout the Rocky...

Monitoring Scour at Bridge Piers in Snohomish Co., WA
Washington State, Snohomish County Public Works Department is using a new Fixed Mechanical monitoring device, to augment its current program of monitoring scour at bridge piers. The Public...

Optimization of a Ground-Water Injection/Extraction System
This paper describes the application of linear programming to optimize the number, location, and rates of extraction/injection for a pump and treat system at a groundwater remediation...

Constructed Wetlands for Metals Removal
Constructed wetlands have the potential to trap and remove metals contained in wastewater. Long term removal is expected to occur by accumulation and burial in the plant detritus in a...

South Florida Water Management District: Reconstructing the Everglades Ecosystem
Anthropogenic influences have reduced florida's Everglades over the last 140 years to a struggling remnant of its historic size and ecological potential. The State of Florida's...

Hazardous Soil Remediation: A Cooperative Effort between Industry and Government
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company's Antioch Works (Dupont) is on the San Joaquin River 30 miles east of San Francisco, California. For about 25 years, ending in 1981, Dupont...

Regional Groundwater Management with Health Risk Assessment
A regional groundwater system may have several areas which are contaminated with organic chemicals. In general, the objective of groundwater management is to supply the demand for water...

Plans for Testing and Evaluating the New Autoventing Turbines at TVA's Norris Hydro Project
As part of TVA's Hydro Modernization Program, the two 59-year old Francis turbines at Norris Dam have been upgraded with new units. In conjunction with TVA's...

The Importance of Water Depth for Sparger Performance
As part of TVA Hydro Modernization Program, the two 59-year old Francis turbines at Norris Dam have been upgraded with new units. In conjunction with TVA's Reservoir Releases...

The Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory (EVRI) for Water Related Benefits Transfers
Managing our water resources requires knowledge not only of flows, water chemistry and aquatic life, but also of the various uses and economic values that humans place upon the water....

The Use of Monitoring of Russian Water Objects for the Decrease of Disaster Consequences
The project of the United States Monitoring System for Water Resources was created. This system united the possibilities of different kinds of existed systems for observation of water...

A Cost-Effective approach to In Situ Remediation of Soil and Groundwater at a Diesel Fuel Spill Site
A bioventing and groundwater treatment system designed to enhance the natural biodegradation of diesel fuel residuals in soil and prevent further groundwater degradation was installed...

Optimizing Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Cold Climates: Scale, Process and Benefits
Although conventional wisdom demands large, centralized facilities for municipal sewage treatment, much has recently been made of the potential of low tech, decentralized systems for wastewater...

Costs of Treatment for Wastewater Reclamation and Disposal: A Preliminary Assessment
Our objective is to estimate the marginal costs of different degrees of water reclamation treatment (primary, secondary, and tertiary), using the Los Angeles County Sanitation District...

The Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) and Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Marine Pollution Ecology
This account discusses the regulatory requirement of maintaining a Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) as it relates to an ocean outfall. A brief history of the development of the BIP...

Soil Water Chemistry of Irrigation with Drainwater
The use of drainwater for irrigation was demonstrated as a management option that reduces net farm drainage and provides control over water quality (O'Brien and Guitjens,...





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