Laboratory Studies for the J. H. Campbell, Unit No. 3, Cooling Water Intake Design
A three-year study sponsored by the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation was conducted to determine the overall efficiency of a full-scale angled screen demonstration facility...

Streamflow Monitoring with Ultrasonic Recorders
In September 1983, four new streamflow monitoring sites were established in a west Chestnut Ridge catchment at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Ultrasonic level/flow recorders were used...

Recent Developments in Hydrologic Instrumentation
The availability of space-age materials and implementation of state-of-the-art electronics is making possible the recent developments of hydrologic instrumentation. Material developments...

The Birmingham, England, Airport Maglev Transit Link
This paper outlines the principal design and operating features of the world's first magnetically-levitated transit link which went into public service at Birmingham Airport...

Project Administration
The paper discusses the vital issues involved for the efficient administration of a construction contract: effective communication, field office staffing, long lead procurement of equipment,...

Hydropower's Newest Generation
Higher energy prices and strong incentives from the federal government have caused hydropower developers to consider sites that just a few years ago were scoffed at as mere trickles. Intense...

Simulating Construction Operations by Microcomputer
Field operations on major construction projects involve complex interactions among construction equipment, materials and supplies, skilled craft resources, and technical and administrative...

Soft Ground Tunneling of the Greenbelt Tunnels
Mergentime/Loram's contract for the construction of Section E-1d Greenbelt Route Tunnels includes construction of dual 1,770-foot tunnels in soft ground, a crossover structure,...

Construction of Mt. Baker Ridge Tunnel
Mt. Baker Ridge Tunnel is a large diameter soft ground highway tunnel constructed through sensitive over-consolidated silts and clays. Its large diameter necessitates the construction...

Torsional Simple Shear Apparatus for Drained and Undrained Cyclic Testing
Since a cyclic triaxial compression apparatus was first used to study liquefaction of saturated sandy soil, many different types of cyclic shear devices have been used to investigate drained...

Small Strain Measurements Using Triaxial Apparatus
This paper presents a detailed testing methodology which can be used to determine the cyclic properties of soils at very small strains using triaxial apparatus. A discussion of specific...

Forecasting the Demand for Electricity: An Examination of Alternative Approaches
This paper examines several approaches to forecasting national-level electricity demand. The various approaches are briefly examined, and the strengths and weaknesses of each are discussed....

Energy Forecasting Techniques: An Overview
This paper provides an overview of the primary forecasting techniques employed by electric and natural gas utilities to predict energy consumption and demand. Although the techniques discussed...

The Role of Demand Forecasts in Pacific Northwest Power Planning
This paper has two primary objectives: to acquaint a general audience with the basic approaches used to forecast the demand for electricity, and to discuss the role of demand forecasts...

The Impact of Demand-Side Management on Load Growth: Some Tentative Results
Demand-Side Management (DSM) programs including load management, conservation and strategic load growth are being implemented by a very large number of utilities for the mutual benefit...

Construction of Foz do Areia Dam
The methods and equipment for the construction of Foz do Areia Dam during 1976-1980 in Brazil are described. Special emphasis is given to the rockfill construction. Foz do Areia was the...

Construction of Concrete Face Rockfill Dams
The Hydro-Electric Commission, Tasmania, Australia has been building concrete face rockfill dams since 1968. Eight dams from 26m to 110m high have been completed, and the highest at 122m...

A Summary of the Seismic Qualification Utilities Group (SQUG) Program
In December of 1980, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) initiated Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46 to address the question of the seismic adequacy of equipment in 49 operating nuclear...

Impact on Test by Various Multiaxis Excitation
The purpose of this paper is to provide input guidelines in evaluating various types of multiaxis excitation on fragility level testing of electronic devices. There are many variables...

Recent Developments in Resonant Column Testing
The resonant column method of testing soils is reviewed. Recent developments in equipment, specimen configurations, and testing schemes are presented. Some equipment can perform both resonance...





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