Teaching Experiment in Real-Time Construction Data Acquisition
This paper describes an experiment used in an undergraduate civil engineering course to familiarize students with interfacing electronic instruments mounted on a construction machine to...

Transportation Infrastructure Information Systems
The current crisis in the nation's transportation infrastructure necessitates the development of innovative data management systems to facilitate and implement analysis algorithms...

Uncertainty and Conservatism in the Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Facilities
Traditionally, seismic analysis and design of nuclear power plant structures are performed using deterministic procedures. In order to address the issue of the likelihood of failure, probabilistic...

CADD Application to Structural Framing Systems
This presentation illustrates the formulation of a Computer Aided Analysis/Design/Detail (CADD) program package utilizing a common microcomputer data base. It presents a new CADD technique...

The Advantages of Shared Data in a 3-D Structural CAE Environment
An integrated three-dimensional CAD/CAE data base helps solve problems of maintaining current data, sharing data with the several phases in the structural process and with other disciplines....

Hydrologic Modeling Using Radar-Rainfall Imagery
A flash flood forecasting system is being developed which has three main elements: 1) high resolution estimation of rainfall in time and space using radar and ground-based gages; 2) computer...

PC-RUNOFF and dBASE III for Stormwater Data Management, Planning and Design
A version of the RUNOFF Block of the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) has been extensively revised for the Microcomputer Stormwater Simulation Manager (MSSM). In addition, PRERUN, a...

Interactive Modeling and Display of Spatial and Time Varying Phenomena Using CAPLIB7
This paper describes some of the software being used at Cornell University to aid the development of tools for modeling phenomena having both spatial and temporal dimensions. Such models...

Statistical Analysis of Tellico Dam Piezometer Data
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of statistical and computer processing methods as a tool for analyzing dam safety piezometric monitoring data. Statistical methods are...

A Microcomputer Program for Bearing Capacity Analysis
The objective of this paper is to introduce an IBM/PC/XT/AT microcomputer program for the Bearing Capacity Analysis of Shallow Foundations. The program incorporates the bearing capacity...

Geotechnical Data Acquisition and Computerized Analysis
In 1983 and 1984, an exploratory tunnel was constructed as part of the geotechnical exploration program for two highway tunnels to be constructed for the improvement of Interstate 70 through...

Continuous Loading Consolidation Testing Using a Microcomputer for Control and Data Acquisition
An overview of some of the methods of one-dimensional consolidation testing currently in use is presented, including the load-increment test, the constant rate of strain test, the constant...

Computer Aided Analysis of Frame Structures
A Plane Frame Analysis (PFA) system is presented. The system analyses structures with prismatic beam and truss elements, elastic supports, internal releases, support settlements, node...

Real Time Data Acquisition in Structural Testing
The process of data collection in real time for structural engineering can be generalized into a process called the real time sequence. The sequence has three major phases: preliminary...

Microcomputer Implementation of Geographic Information Systems
With the more recent development of high performance microcomputers, efforts have been made to adapt. Information Systems (GIS) software to microcomputers for application to a wide variety...

Computer Errors?Who's Responsible
This paper proposes that both the program developer and the program user share the responsibility for preventing errors in the use of computer programs for engineering design and analysis....

Computerized Construction Progress Control
In 1983 and 1984, an exploratory tunnel was constructed as part of the geotechnical exploration program for two highway tunnels to be constructed for interstate 70 through Glenwood Canyon,...

Microcomputer Construction Operations Simulation
This paper summarizes the current status of an ongoing research project whose objective is to collect time data from videotapes of field construction operations and use the data as input...

Physical and Chemical Data Needs for Design
The problems and deficiencies in the existing characterisation and evaluation of urban stormwater runoff quality are examined through discussion of adopted and proposed design criteria...

Review of Data Needs and Collection Technology
The quality - or pollutional effect - of urban runoff has not attained a societal level of importance sufficient to support understanding it, much less controlling it. The paper reviews...





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