Hydraulic Fracturing in Embankment Dams
There is now sufficient evidence to conclude that concentrated leaks occur commonly through the impervious sections of embankment dams by hydraulic fracturing without being observed, even...

Soldier Creek Dam Foundation Drainage
A possible mode of failure for Teton Dam, piping of erodible core material through unsealed foundation joints, was also concluded as being possible at Soldier Creek Dam, Utah. Evaluations...

The Use and Performance of Seepage Reduction Measures
The utilization and performance of various foundation seepage reduction measures from over 100 dams situated on pervious soils throughout the world has been reviewed. Summary discussions...

Designing and Monitoring for Seepage at Calamus Dam
Given the complex, pervious nature of the foundation for Calamus Dam, every effort has been made to incorporate design features that will reduce and control the anticipated large volumes...

Seepage Control for Embankment Dams USBR Practice
The current Bureau of Reclamation approach to seepage assessment, analysis, and design for embankment dams is described. The advantages and appropriate applications for the analysis programs...

Use of Asphalt in Treatment of Dam Foundation Leakage, Stewartsville Dam
This paper presents the recent development and application of a hot asphalt grouting technique used to stop a 5,000 Imperial Gallons Per Minute (IGPM) (22,000 lpm) dam leakage under full...

Chemical Grout Curtains at Ox Mountain Dams
Grout curtains were constructed in granodiorite bedrock as part of two earthfill diversion dams at a sanitary landfill site on the San Francisco, California peninsula. The curtains are...

Embankment Foundation Densification by Compaction Grouting
Compaction grouting is an attractive alternate for in-place densification of liquefiable soils below existing structures. Compaction grouting application concepts and procedures are presented...

Computer Applications in Grouting
The first use of computers during foundation grouting was tried by the Bureau of Reclamation on Ridgeway Dam in Colorado. It was very useful in monitoring real time down hole conditions...

Computer-Assisted Grouting Evaluation Systems
Electronic monitoring of cement pressure grouting at Ridgway Dam provides a powerful tool for geologic assessment of drilling and grouting results. Graphic surveillance and analysis of...

Grout Slurries?Thick or Thin?
In this paper some recent experiences in dam grouting in several countries are discussed where bentonite or Intraplast additives were used to control sedimentation, viscosity, grout density,...

New Ways with Concrete
When NASA builds on the moon and in space, the structures will be concrete, say researchers at the Portland Cement Association's Construction Technology Laboratories. They...

Reliability of Urban Water Supply Reservoir System
Assessment of the reliability, or risk of failure, of water supply reservoirs is dependent on several factors including reservoir volume, probability of dam failure and drought inflows....

Seepage and Leakage from Dams and Impoundments
All major dams and impoundments are usually analyzed to determine the magnitude and location of seepage that can occur under, around or through the structure. More often than not, seepage...

Issues in Dam Grouting
Although perhaps the largest number of individual grouting projects do not involve dams, by far the largest volume of grout used is for grouting of new or existing dams. This volume presents...

Roller Compacted Concrete
Roller compacted concrete has emerged recently as an economical material and rapid method of construction for use in gravity dams, overflow structures and heavy duty pavements. The economics...

Recent Developments
The Foothills Project has been under consideration by the Denver Board of Water Commissions for many years. It is one of the major steps in the continued efforts of the Board to provide...

Overtopping of Small Dams?An Alternative for Dam Safety
A research effort was initiated in 1983 by the Bureau of Reclamation to gain insight in the development of cost-effective modifications to small embankment dams which would enable them...

Planned Overtopping of Embankments Using Roller Compacted Concrete
Three recent projects are discussed where the economy and versatility of roller compacted concrete (RCC) were utilized to allow flood water overtopping of small to medium size embankment...

Embankment Overtopping
Embankment overtopping and dam safety are major concerns of civil engineering and the general public. Very little is known about overtopping events and much less has been published or...





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