Microcomputer Application in Predicting Upland Erosion
An erosion-deposition model, originally developed for a mainframe computer, was adapted for an Apple IIe. With minimal adjustment it can also be used on other personal microcomputers....

The SRI Technique for Flood Frequency Analysis
This paper presents a technique for flood flow frequency analysis called the Storm Response Index (SRI), and a case study using the technique. The SRI method is based on the development...

Dried Sludge for Fertilizer
Dried sewage sludge has been used as a fertilizer material for several decades in the United States. While sludge drying and fertilizer production is normally more costly than other municipal...

Manatee County Plans for Environmental Protection
Faced with a projected population increase of 53 percent by the year 2000, Manatee County, Florida, is protecting its water resources by developing a regional wastewater facilities program...

Well Rehabilitation Using Decision Tree Analysis
The decision tree concept of decision analysis theory can be easily adapted to the water and wastewater industry in making spending decisions for rehabilitation programs, renewal and replacement...

Nitrate Analysis Utilizing Groundwater Modeling
Groundwater is the sole source of potable water for the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to maintain the overall quality within acceptable drinking...

Ground Water Quality Assessment Using Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Models
The modeling work described here provides an assessment of the migration and fate of the pesticide aldicarb in typical Florida citrus applications with emphasis on the potential for leaching...

A Case Study of Ground Water Quality Protection in California
Incidents of ground water contamination from improper disposal of industrial wastewater have been widespread throughout California. In late 1984 the State Water Resources Control Board...

Groundwater Studies for Land Treatment Facility
A wastewater treatment facility currently under construction in Falmouth, Massachusetts, features a dual disposal method for land application of effluent. As the effluent disposal site...

Emerging Environmental Clean-Up Responsibility
This paper is a summary of the structure of regulations requiring clean-up of sites when closed or sold, specifically the State of New Jersey's Environmental Cleanup Responsibility...

Computer Control of Lift Station Operations
A unique computerized control system to supervise the operation of several lift stations has been designed by Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) and constructed by the City of Orlando,...

Los Angeles Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Program
The City of Los Angeles maintains and operates two wastewater collection and treatment systems: the Hyperion System and the Terminal Island System. During the wet months of December through...

Quali-Continuous Simulation of CSOs
Providence, Rhode Island, has a combined sewer system. During and following a precipitation event the capacity of the system may be exceeded and a mixture of wastewater and urban runoff...

Fate and Transport of Metals in a River System
A steady-state model was developed that describes the fate of metals in a shallow river system. Settling and resuspension of solids were defined through empirical equations relating a...

NCASI Enhancements of the QUAL-II Model
The mathematical water quality model QUAL-II has been modified to reflect advances in the understanding of algal, nutrient, and light interactions. Code changes were also made to incorporate...

Predicting Lake-Chain Quality with Augmentation
Steady-state mass-balance models of lake phosphorus are analyzed with regard to predicting augmentation (or dilution) effects. One form of these models employs a retention coefficient...

Wetland Protection Regulations: A Technical Perspective
This paper summarizes the technical basis for the application of wetland protection regulatory schemes upon a number of typical environmental engineering and related projects. A number...

The Environmental Assessment Process at the Municipal Level in New Jersey
It is shown that there are many complex interactions that often affect the review process associated with environmental assessments in the State of New Jersey and probably in other states...

Town Lake: An Environmental Impact Assessment
The City of Dallas, Texas, had little experience with environmental impact assessments of major capital improvements projects. Yet when deciding whether to build a 110,000,000 urban lake,...

Saving Time and Money with Archaeology
In the past 20 years, archaeology has become a necessary part of many engineering projects. However, this aspect of a project is often regarded as an obstacle in terms of costs and time....





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