Scheduling and Cost Control for the Pittsburgh LRT
Like most American cities, Pittsburgh has had a long history of public transportation utilizing street cars. Conversion to a modern light rail transit (LRT) system will occur in two stages,...

Organization for Construction of a Rail Transit Project
The Long Beach-Los Angeles rail transit project is part of an on-going transit development process by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACTC) in which the Long Beach-Los...

Rail Transit Construction Readiness: The Evolving MARTA Organization
A rail transit project is a complex undertaking involving thousands of people, expending millions of dollars and ultimately taking years to accomplish. The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit...

Cultivating Community Confidence?The Key to Success or Failure
A successful community participation program proved to be the turning point for federal approval of the Buffalo, New York rapid transit project. This paper details that citizen involvement....

Project Management for the Upper Harlem Electrification Project
The Upper Harlem Electrification Project consists of a 28 mile extension of 700 V. D. C. under-running third (current carrying contact) rail electrification from North White Plains, New...

Philadelphia Center City Commuter Connection
The Philadelphia Center City Commuter Connection, a 330,000,000 urban transit project has been completed on schedule within a budget variance of 2% of the estimated cost. This is an accomplishment...

Budget and Schedule Control?The Critical Issues
The increase of activity together with often difficult budgets and schedules in busway and rail transit projects since 1960, has made the processes of project control for these projects...

Operations Improvement through Product Evaluation
Transit Managers today are involved in a battle to maintain the quality of their systems. This paper takes a close look at several problems and then suggests a cure that can be effective...

MBTA Red Line Extension Operating Plan
Completion of the MBTA's 3. 2 mile Red Line Rapid Transit Extension is scheduled for 1985. When completed, the seven year 574 million project will add three new stations to...

Classification of Human Errors
Error control should be a primary part of any risk control strategy. Classification of errors may serve as a basis for the systematic analysis to eliminate the causes and to reduce the...

Probability-Based Load Criteria for Structural Design
Load criteria for use in limit states design of structures are developed using probabilistic methods. Statistical data on load and strengths are integrated by the reliability analysis...

Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Critical Facilities
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) for seismic events is currently being performed for nuclear power plants. The background on seismic PRA is presented along with a basic description...

Transit Operations Input to Project Planning and Design
The rationale for most public transportation projects is a requirement imposed on the operating agency by an existing or expected service demand. These expected operations may be intended...

Aesthetics and Design of Prestressed High-Rise Buildings
This paper will address the aesthetics, economic and construction-related advantages of prestressed concrete for high-rise buildings, with an emphasis on the South-East Asia region. While...

Bentonitic Slurry in Constructing Drilled Piers
Bentonitic slurry is employed extensively in the construction of drilled shafts. While serious problems can occur, evidence is presented to show that the proper use of slurry will lead...

Installation of Category I Caissons
Founding a proposed safety-related Category I structure of a nuclear power plant on rock socketed caissons necessitated using precision installation techniques. These techniques were chosen...

Observations on Load Tests for Drilled Shafts
This paper focuses on three specific areas pertaining to load tests for drilled shafts: 1) basic considerations and load testing procedures, 2) interpretation of uplift load test information,...

Quality Assurance/Quality Control; Case Studies?Introduction
The report emphasizes several requirements for quality management: a. The need for a knowledgeable field representative, preferably the resident engineer. This person must be familiar...

Quality in the Constructed Project: A Workshop Report
In the fall of 1984, ASCE conducted a workshop to determine what actions are necessary to improve quality in the constructed project. The engineering segment of the two-day meeting included...

Quality Management in the US Army Corps of Engineers: An Evaluation
Quality management programs are employed to assure the achievement of specific standards of performance. In the construction industry, quality management personnel face common problems...





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