Can a Computer Reduce Your Spec Writing Costs�
The most important factors in evaluating use of a computer to write specifications are: the frequency with which a spec section is repeated; and the changes needed to go from master spec...

Gabions, Perforated Pipe and Gravel Serve as Fish Screens
A type of structure to prevent juvenile salmon from diverting to irrigation ditches has been developed on the Merced River in central California. It was built after cost considerations...

Stress Ribbon Bridge in Freiburg, Germany
A three span continuous stress ribbon bridge of 75, 130, and 138 ft, was built in downtown Freiburg, W. Germany, for pedestrian traffic. Structural analysis is similar to that of suspension...

Today's Northwest Passage
The Lower Snake River Project received the outstanding water resources engineering project award for 1976 from ASCE. The lower 140-mile (225-km) reach of the Snake River from its mouth...

Olympic Construction for Olympic Games
Montreal is preparing at full speed for the Olympic Games. The precast, post-tensioned concrete velodrome will seat 10,000. It will be available for conventions, public meetings, exhibits,...

Polymer-Concrete Passes Toughest Test
Almost three years after a pour of polymer-concrete (PC), a full patch of a hole in New York City's Major Deegan Expressway shows no cracks and is adhering well to the original...

The Three Ages of Philadelphia
Philadelphia was founded in 1682 when a shipload of 70 arrived with William Penn from England. Origins of this all-religious colony are described. Though a half-century younger than New...

Impermeable Asphaltic Concrete Pond Liner
An impermeable dense hydraulic asphaltic concrete solar evaporation pond liner was developed by the Southern California Edison Co. for the Mohave Generating Station, Clark Co., Nevada....

Structural Failures and How to Prevent Them
Reducing failures of buildings and other structures requires compentent design; clear communication of that design to the contractor by means of engineering drawings, etc.; careful and...

Value Engineering Made Mandatory on EPA Projects Over $10,000,000
EPA makes VE mandatory on projects over $10 million. Eleven VE teams in five 40-hour workshops. Isolated changes of $1.2 million on typical $4.1 million project which were acceptable to...

The Le Grande Hydroelectric Development
The James Bay Hydroelectric Project, presently under construction in northern Quebec, is one of the world's largest energy developments. Four major powerhouses are planned...

Three Towns: Three Different Solutions to Stormwater Control
That an engineer is a creative solver of people-problems was shown in Kentucky, where a consultant designed stormwater control systems in three towns�� and came up with three different...

Disaster-Caused Increases in Construction Costs
When major disasters do more damage than the local building industry can repair, the resultant shortage of repair resources causes prices to escalate. Examination of the factors that affect...

City's Topographic Mapping System Saves Time, Money and is More Accurate
The city of Elgin, Ill. purchased its own topographic mapping system called Topo-Plan. The system consists of an aerial photo base map plus a transparent overlay showing 2-ft (0.60-m)...

Metrication�� An Australian Non-Event
Australia's experience with metrication indicates that a series of small, but rapid conversions, well planned in advance, can minimize the cost and inconvenience associated...

Construction Productivity�� How to Improve It
Construction productivity�in the design office, in the field, in public relations, in government regulations�was the subject of an ASCE Conference in suburban Chicago in August 1976. Some...

Landmark Erie Canal Structure Rehabilitated
The lower level of the Broad Street Bridge, which dates to 1823, was an aqueduct which carried the Erie Barge Canal over the Genessee River in Rochester, New York. The history of this...

Zinc Paint Can Save $500,000 On Your Powerplant
Zinc-rich paints have been used for 20 years now. However, those responsible for protecting powerplants and many other utility and industrial structures are still using the alkyd paints....

Unemployment, Public Works, and the 1976 Presidential Election Campaign
Unemployment remains near 8% despite recovery from the recent recession. One key reason is the exceptionally large number of women and youth seeking jobs. Those having most difficulty...

The Recycling of a River
After a century of neglect and degradation, the South Platte River is undergoing a process of transformation to become the most significant recreational resource in the Denver area�� a...





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