The Prudency Management Audit: A New Challenge for the Civil Engineer
The Nuclear Industry, particularly utilities and their constructor, engineering and vendor agents, is faced with a surging increase in Prudency Management Audits. Such Audits are often...

Nuclear Outages: An Approach to Project Controls
The nuclear refueling outage is short-lived, fast paced, and very costly to the nuclear utility. To better control modification expenses and reduce outage-related costs, utilities are...

Civil Engineering Challenge with Nuclear Waste
The planning, design and construction of the ground surface facilities for a nuclear waste repository involves civil engineering in many ways. The transportation of heavy, metal shielded...

A Model for Nuclear Waste Shipping and Storage
A management option for spent fuel assemblies from nuclear power plants is storage in away-from-reactor (AFR) storage facilities. The purpose of this paper is to preseent a new mathematical...

Mixed Use, Mixed Materials
Tabor Center is a $330 million office/commercial/hotel complex in Denver's urban renewal area. The two block site is bisected by a street that had to be kept open during construction....

Oral History: Saving the Past
Excerpts of the recorded interviews of three leading American civil engineers are presented. In the first interview sanitary engineer Samuel A. Greeley recalls how he supervised the construction...

Proportional Weirs for Stormwater Pond Outlets
Many jurisdictions mandate that new developments must not cause runoff to flow downstream, during and after rainfalls, at rates higher than preconstruction. A common for controlling runoff...

Bid-Rigging: An Inside Story
William Carter, engineer and ASCE member, spent five months in prison in 1980 on conviction of conspiracy under U.S. antitrust laws in a case involving a Tennessee highway project for...

Making Treatment Plants Work
For the most part, past design criteria that have been used were based primarily on historical information from plants that worked or general rule of thumb criteria. With the increasing...

Organizing for Effective Project Management
Effective project management is an essential element in any engineering project. This paper traces through the planning, preliminary engineering, fixed design, bidding, construction, testing...

Managing a New Start Rail Transit Agency
In 1982 the Southern California Rapid Transit District (RTD) was facing two major challenges. A Policy and Management Plan was developed to meet these two major challenges. The Policy...

Managing Major Transit Construction Projects
Building rapid transit systems is a regular and ongoing world wide occurrence. However, for cities initiating first time transit system development it is truly a unique experience. Initiating...

Project Management and UMTA
This paper examines the scope of project management of public transport projects from a 'macro' viewpoint. To imrove the effectiveness of the management of an...

Coordination and Control - Staff, Consultants and Participating Agencies for Sacramento Light Rail Transit Project
The Sacramento Light Rail Transit Project is an 18. 3 mile (29. 5 Km) line, primarily at-grade, which provides the trunk line service for an integrated Bus/LRT public transportation system...

The Coordination Effort: Getting Through the Levels
This paper deals with the coordination and management of two major public transport projects in Portland, Oregon. It discusses the management process utilized in the planning and construction...

Alternatives Analysis?Its Role in Public Transit
The Urban Mass Transportation Administration's first major urban mass transportation investments policy statement was issued in 1976. The policy was revised and updated in...

St. Louis Transit Alternatives Analysis?Project Management and Organization
Improving public transit service has been a long standing goal in the St. Louis region. An alternatives analysis of the region's priority transit corridor was completed in...

Effective Environmental Management: The Northeast Corridor Experience
The Northeast Corridor Improvement Project (NECIP) is a 2 billion public transportation project involving improvements to Amtrak's 456-mile main rail line between Washington,...

Planning Aspects of the Woodward Corridor LRT Preliminary Engineering Project
The efficient deployment of any major project requires careful planning of the management, scheduling and budgeting activities associated with its implementation. The Woodward Corridor...

Organization for Rapid Transit Design and Construction
This paper discusses organizational arrangements for design and construction of rapid rail transit systems and the advantages and disadvantages of the various organizational arrangements....





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