Computers in a Planning Context: Another Reality
Over the past twenty years water resources planning has seen a great increase in the development of computer methods of analysis. This has transformed the way the hydrology, hydraulics,...

Maximum Water Source Utilization Using Lotus 1-2-3
This paper discusses the use of microcomputers to determine the optimum mix of sources for the Fargo-Moorhead area's water supply network. The area's major water...

Personal Computers and Stormwater Management Programs
Urban flooding and drainage problems are the result of complex interactions between natural and man-made systems. Comprehensive analysis of the hydrologic characteristics of these problems...

Water Resources Applications of OCAP--Ohio's CNRIS
The Ohio Capability Analysis Program (OCAP) is a computer-based natural resources information system (CNRIS) operated since 1973 by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The three...

Geographic Information Systems: A Planning Tool
Geographic Information Systems provide an opportunity for water resource planners to examine potential impacts of proposed plans early in the study process. Conflicts can be identified...

Storage Projection for Reservoir Systems
Two methods are studied for determining the probability distribution of future levels of storage in a reservoir system: transient analysis and Gould's probability matrix method....

Design and Operating Rules for Reservoir Storage to Offset Future Consumptive Use
The Washington Metropolitan Area (WMA) relies largely on the Potomac River for water supply. After many years of study, a coordinated regional operating plan was adopted by the water supply...

Microcomputer Analysis of Harbor Wind Drift
A microcomputer with general-purpose spreadsheet software was used to analyze wind drift on the water surface of Quincy Bay in Boston Harbor. Wind drift is the movement of the surface...

Groundwater Models: Converting Research Developments into Practical Applications
One method of bridging the gap between code developer and code applier is through separate user-friendly computer programs called preprocessors that prepare data before execution of the...

Automated Data Monitoring for Disaster Prevention
A system is now available from International Hydrological Services for use on micro-computers that will provide real-time environmental monitoring, analysis, forecasting and control. This...

Computer-Aided Drought Operations
A simulated drought operations exercise is conducted annually in the Washington, D. C. area. Local water supply utilities work with the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin...

Reliability of Urban Water Supply Reservoir System
Assessment of the reliability, or risk of failure, of water supply reservoirs is dependent on several factors including reservoir volume, probability of dam failure and drought inflows....

A Case Study - Toms River Water Company, Toms River, New Jersey
Toms River Water Company provides water service to Dover Township, the Borough of South Toms River and portions of Berkeley Township, all in Ocean County, New Jersey. Existing supply facilities...

Water System Model Brought Improvements in System Performance
Analysis of the hydraulic conditions of a multi-pressure zone water system serving portions of two counties in a mountainous region of Southwest Virginia was performed using computerized...

Quantifying Social and Environmental Objectives
Over the past decade, there have been great improvements in economic and multiobjective techniques for quantifying social and environmental objectives in water resources planning. Nevertheless,...

Water Develoment Models for Contemporary Planning
A methodology for evaluating water planning alternatives was developed and applied to the Nebraska Platte River. The methodology involved a micro-computer based screening model and a multi-objective...

Getting Information Via Computer: Some Basics
Information is a most important resource for water resource professionals. The combination of the computer and the telephone has established a new avenue to acquire information. One directory...

Adapting a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) has developed a mathematical simulation model for a key portion of its distribution system. A representative portion...

Modelling Complex Water Distribution Systems
A program previously used for the analysis of hundreds of water distribution systems was successfully modified to provide the features needed for the extended simulation of large complex...

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Data Bases (Lessons from an Engineer Turned MIS)
The paper describes some of the problems and solutions surrounding the National Dredging Data Management System (NADDAMS). By an analysis of these problems and solutions, the authors develop...





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