Cyanide Heap Leaching Problems at Elk City, Idaho
A cyanide heap leaching operation for gold recovery was started in 1983 above the water intake for the community of Elk City in north central Idaho which turned into a problem during the...

Acid Deposition in the Wind River Mountains
National attention has been focused on the discovery of acidified lakes in the Adirondack Mountains of New York and elsewhere in New England. It is commonly believed that the West, in...

Snow Management at Ski Areas: Hydrologic Effects
Several types of snow management are practiced at downhill ski areas. Each of these activities has a variety of hydrologic consequences. The extent to which these management practices...

Closed Negotiations?Out with the Poker Players
The paper describes the closed negotiation process employed by one owner/client, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, in procuring firm, fixed price design service contracts. Although not...

Advantages of Standard Contract Forms
The standard forms produced by the Engineer's Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) offer many advantages to Engineers and others involved in the negotiation and preparation...

Techniques of Negotiation
Three primary qualities are necessary for effective negotiation: knowledge, attitude, and skill. The author's firm has successfully used a negotiating team approach. This...

Seepage Control at Cochiti Dam, New Mexico
Significant design data, design assumptions and computations, and performance of the seepage control features provided at Cochiti Dam are summarized in this paper. The dam is a rolled...

Soldier Creek Dam Foundation Drainage
A possible mode of failure for Teton Dam, piping of erodible core material through unsealed foundation joints, was also concluded as being possible at Soldier Creek Dam, Utah. Evaluations...

A Case History of Leakage from a Surface Impoundment
A manufacturing company constructed a 48-acre (19 hectare), unlined surface impoundment at a site in northern Texas to store wastewater. The site is underlain by unsaturated, alluvial...

Chemical Grout Curtains at Ox Mountain Dams
Grout curtains were constructed in granodiorite bedrock as part of two earthfill diversion dams at a sanitary landfill site on the San Francisco, California peninsula. The curtains are...

Computer Applications in Grouting
The first use of computers during foundation grouting was tried by the Bureau of Reclamation on Ridgeway Dam in Colorado. It was very useful in monitoring real time down hole conditions...

Probability of Stability Design of Open Pit Slopes
Uncertainty and risk have always been associated with mining. This is evidenced in the common mining terminology of proven ore, probable ore, and possible ore. From a geotechnical standpoint,...

Oil Shale Fracture Characterization by a New Model
Fracture toughness of oil shale is a property which is essential for fracture characterization needed for energy resource development and recovery. However, a data base for fracture toughness...

Prediction of Highway Construction Noise Levels
A model for the prediction of noise levels from highway construction operations has been developed under sponsorship of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Noise sources are geometrically...

Highway Noise: FHWA Requirements and Barrier Design
Since 1973, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has required noise studies for nearly all proposed roadways and roadway improvements that receive federal aid. An overview of these...

Checking Off CADD Priorities
Diving head on into new computer aided design and drafting (CADD) hardware and software without considering their effects on firm or university's operation is as bad as ignoring...

Challenges to Civil Engineering Educators and Practitioners?Where Should We Be Going?
The papers included in this publication present an overview of the current state of civil engineering education and resolutions for future development in the field. Six key areas are covered:...

Construction QA/QC Systems that Work
Case Studies
Four case studies discuss the issue of responsibility for quality assurance and quality control by describing actual situations where quality work is being done in the field. The case...

Organization and Management of Public Transport Projects
Transit development projects are undertaken to help satisfy escalating transportation needs in modern cities. The projects address an array of technical, social, and environmental considerations....

Computer Impacts on Water Resources Engineering
Computation capability has increased by a factor of one million over the past 30 years and has contributed greatly toward data management and the application of available technology to...





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