Rx for Drought: Pumping Plant to the Rescue
Designed and built by the East Bay Municipal District, the pumping plant built last year at Middle River, Calif. was not unusual in design. What was unusual was the speed with which it...

Controlling Tunnel-Lining Costs�Tips for Owners and Designers
Emphasis is placed on those aspects of design likely to lead to cost savings or the avoidance of unanticipated extra cost during construction. Tunnel lining design requires knowledge about...

Minority Consulting Engineers Speak Out
A sampling of opinion from the point of view of black consulting engineers. Quota systems are discussed as are financial problems, attitudes of banks, joint-ventures, abuse of minority-participation...

Mammoth Prefab Modules Speed Alaskan Oil
Accomplished in conjunction with construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline were the mammoth prefabricated modules erected at Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope oil fields; purpose is oil and...

On Getting Foreign Jobs: Does Uncle Sam Help or Hinder
With his broad overview of the Washington scene, CIVIL ENGINEERING's Gene Halmos sought to get a reading on whether the U.S. government helps or hinders this country's...

The Greening of the Desert: What Cost to Farmers�
The influence of irrigation schemes on the people who work them is a combination of beneficial effects (provision of water, food and opportunity for economic advancement) and undesirable...

Giant Irrigation Projects: What Effect on Rural Development
The success of large-scale irrigation/agriculture projects in the developing world is dependent on good engineering, good management and good planning. The benefits of the first two are...

Citizen Participation for Successful Village Water Supply
In developing nations, two keys to the success of village water supply projects are citizen planning and the use of the appropriate technology. The two are related. Involvement of citizens...

Reinforced Concrete Research Council: Why So Successful�
At 30 years old the first-formed of ASCE's 14 research councils, the Reinforced Concrete Research Council is also one of the most successful. Some 40 RCRC research projects...

Alternative Sewage Systems�Reliable, Cost-Effective
The increasing need to provide adequate sewage disposal systems to meet housing needs of the future should include the evaluation and acceptance of alternative sewage disposal methods....

Personnel Management of Engineering Organizations
Which personnel management approaches are most successful, and why? We surveyed ASCE's Sections and Branches in search of answers. And reviewed the 120 or so nominations in...

Subway Designs and Construction Methods That Cut Costs
The high cost of subway construction in the United States can be reduced by adopting station and track structure configurations, structural systems, and construction techniques best suited...

ASCE Sharpens Meetings Management
ASCE has scored some remarkable successes recently at its meetings�for example, record attendance of 4,400 at the 1977 Annual Convention, and at Coastal Zone '78, some 50%...

NY's Building Boom
A report on a highly visible part of New York City's infrastructure, its buildings. An apparent resurgence of construction activity is underway; over one billion dollars in...

Subway Structures Good, Other Elements Need Rehab
Capital spending priorities of New York City's Transit Authority have shifted, as it postponed indefinitely the construction of all but one new line�the line from 63rd St....

Bridges and Highways � Serious Deterioration Being Attacked Aggressively
Due to years of starvation of maintenance and reconstruction budgets, New York City's backlog of road and bridge reconstruction needs is huge. The city has 5,300 miles of...

Causes of NY Financial Crisis
New York City's recent financial crisis was brought on by several factors. The main long-range cause was the out-migration of middle-income people (taxpayers) and the in-migration...

How New York City Can Be Restored to Economic Health
To be restored to economic and fiscal health, New York City will have to make some fundamental reforms. The overall strategy is to obtain slack resources, then to invest these resources...

Behind the Exodus of Corporate Giants from New York City
A major bulwark of NYC's private sector has been the corporate office complex, composed of the headquarters of many of the U.S's largest corporations and the...

Making of Modern Metropolis
The period between World War II and 1970 has been called the era of the exploding metropolis. Behind this exodus of people from the central city to the suburbs: prosperity of workers;...





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