Streamflow Forecasting for the Bradley Lake Project
The National Weather Service (NWS) uses a suite of software called NWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS) for operational river stage and streamflow forecasting. NWSRFS is a modular system...

A Method for Conducting Real Time Flood Forecast
In this paper, first, it explains about the real time flood forecast which must be conducted at rivers in Japan. Next, as a means to an end, it is proposing the utilization of runoff computation...

Modeling Contaminant Migration from an Unlined Pond
A hybrid one-dimensional (1-D) vertical model coupled with a two-dimensional (2-D) aquifer model was applied to study the fate and transport of arsenic, fluoride, and orthophosphate resulting...

Protection of a 700-GPM Municipal Well Field with a 10-GPM Barrier Well: An Update After 8 Years of Remediation
In December 1978, a municipal well field developed by the Town of Acton, Massachusetts was shut down because of contamination by 1,1-dichloroethylene. Chemicals and process wash water...

Pumping or Slurry Walls?Which Works Best for Groundwater Containment?
Results of a numerical optimization model capable of designing containment systems for sites with three-dimensional groundwater flow indicate that site hydrogeology and economic considerations...

Adjustment of Groundwater Quality Models
Groundwater quality models have been used lately in solving cases dealing with groundwater flow and pollutant transport problems. Finite element method is used in such problems and is...

Ecological Concerns of Regional vs. On-site Facilities
New federal stormwater regulations are ushering in a second generation of stormwater BMP's. Traditionally designed to achieve quantity control, BMP's are now being evaluated for their...

Watershed-Wide Stormwater Management Planning Issues
Pennsylvania counties are responsible for basinwide stormwater management planning under the Stormwater Management Act of 1978. The predominant engineering technique employed within these...

Comprehensive Stormwater Management Planning
Prince William County, Virginia and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region III, are implementing an interagency, interdisciplinary stormwater management demonstration project....

National Weather Service Operational River Forecasting in a UNIX Environment
The mission of the National Weather Service (NWS) includes providing river and flood forecasts and warnings for protection of life and property, and providing basic hydrologic forecast...

WSR-88D Precipitation Processing and Its Use in National Weather Service Hydrologic Forecasting
The National Weather Service (NWS), along with the Department of Defense and Transportation, have begun deployment of a new national network of weather radars referred to as the WSR-88D....

National Weather Service Interactive River Forecasting Using State, Parameter, and Data Modifications
Interactive flood and river flow forecasting using the National Weather Service Interactive Forecast Program (IFP) is outlined. The IFP is an extension of the National Weather Service...

Snow Estimation?A GIS Application for Water Resources Forecasting
In the Western United States approximately 75 percent of the annual runoff results from snowmelt. Observations of the snow cover provide an important source of information for forecasting...

In Situ Bioremediation Via Horizontal Wells
The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Technology Development, has been sponsoring full-scale environmental restoration technology demonstrations for the past 3 years. The Savannah River...

A Semi Passive Nutrient Injection System for In Situ Bioremediation
A permeable cutoff wall is installed across the path of a contaminant plume. The water in the wall can be amended with the desired nutrient solution using pumping and injecting wells within...

Anisotropic Effects on Flow from a Recirculation Well
We examined flow in an unconfined aquifer near a recirculation well, which consists of a source and a sink of equal strength, with emphasis on understanding the effects of anisotropy....

In-Situ Bioremediation Using a Recirculation Well
An existing model (Semprini and McCarty, 1991; 1992) of in-situ bioremediation using methanotrophic bacteria for degradation of volatile organic compounds was modified to simulate use...

A Review of Surface-Groundwater Interaction Models
Surface-water and groundwater systems are in continuous dynamic interaction. Processes such as infiltration from surface waters and precipitation, the discharge of groundwater to surface...

Real-Time Dynamic Flood Routing with NWS FLDWAV Model Using Kalman Filter Updating
Dynamic flood routing model based on the four-point implicit finite-difference solution of the complete one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations of unsteady flow are inherently deterministic....

A National System for Threshold Runoff Estimation
Threshold runoff is the amount of effective (or excess) rainfall of a given duration uniformly distributed over a certain catchment that is just enough to cause flooding at the outlet...





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