Water Transfer Law in Kansas
As Kansas enters an era when the water resources are almost fully appropriated, entities needing water may have to purchase or condemn water rights and might have to go long distances...

A Decision Support System for Administering Water Rights in an Alluvial Aquifer
A previously developed basin scale surface-ground water simulation model has been incorporated into a micro-computer based decision support system that simulates the transient ground water...

Application of the PCRSS Reservoir Simulation Model to the Salt River Project
PCRSS is a general purpose reservoir system model construction kit. It allows the user to specify the system configuration and parameters through the use of a windows based graphic user...

Colorado River Decision Support System
Colorado is developing its own tools, such as the Colorado River Decision Support System (CRDSS), to evaluate alternative strategies and establish an informed and factual position regarding...

Geographically Distributed Decision Support; The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) TERRA System
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has a long history of managing the water provided by the Tennessee River and its tributaries. TVA is responsible for such diverse water interests as...

The Case for Southern Nevada's Thirst
Water Resources Planning can be associated with short term or long term projects. Civil Engineers can develop plans for any number of eventualities, be they normal expected events or unwanted...

Modeling Temperature Impacts on Salmon Survival
Among research goals at the University of California-Davis are the development and application of mathematical models to study water quality impacts on threatened and endangered species....

Impacts of Natural and Manmade Changes on the San Luis Rey River Environment
Almost all rivers continually change their position and shape based on various geomorphic and hydraulic factors, caused by natural as well as manmade activities on the riverine environment....

Monitoring Water Quality and Use in Colorado
This paper presents the results of a two year study on the impact of irrigation water use on water quality near Greeley, CO. Data on irrigation application efficiency, deep percolation,...

Arizona Groundwater Management Alternatives
Sustainable groundwater management policies are examined through the use of a hydrologic-economic impact model of Arizona surface and groundwater use. Present water use practices were...

Vadose-Zone Monitoring, Sanitary Treatment Plant Sludge-Drying Beds, Rocky Flats Plant, Golden, Colorado
The NPDES Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement (NPDES FFCA) of March 25, 1991 between the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pursuant...

Changes of Water Rights - The Colorado Experience
This paper describes engineering efforts which are involved with the judicial changes of water rights in the State of Colorado....

Evaluation of the Pagosa Springs Geothermal Reservoir and Implications of Potential Additional Reservoir Development
The Town of Pagosa Springs is located 280 miles from Denver on the north bank of the San Juan River in southwest Colorado as shown on the Index Map, Some time before 1920 the first well...

Joint Pond-Wetland System Performance in Colorado
The Shop Creek retention pond and follow-up wetlands were constructed in 1989, by the City of Aurora, Colorado, and the Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority to enhance urban storm...

The Everett, Washington, Water Supply IRP
The City of Everett, Washington, supplies water to most of the population of Snohomish County, located just north of Seattle. The County is rapidly urbanizing, and preliminary review of...

Prediction of Gravel Bedload with SAM
Bedload measurements for Little Beaver Creek in Colorado were used to test the sediment transport functions included in SAM. The test results showed that Toffaleti predicts total bedload...

Simulating Water Supply Systems of the Raritan Basin
A recently developed interactive river-aquifer system model (IRAS) was used to study the Raritan River Basin as part of the effort to revise the New Jersey Statewide Water Supply Master...

A Nested-Model Approach to Investigate Climate Change
Determination of the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation in mountainous regions is critical for assessing the effects of climate variability on water resources in these...

Atmospheric Circulation and Snowpack in the Gunnison River Basin
Winter mean 700-millibar height anomalies over the eastern North Pacific Ocean and the western United States are related to variability in snowpack accumulations measured on or about April...

Statewide Consumptive Use Estimates
Methodology for estimating consumptive use and consumptive irrigation requirements on a statewide basis is summarized. The methodolgy has been used to update monthly and seasonal consumptive...





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