An Acoustic Doppler Discharge-Measurement System
A discharge-measurement system that uses a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler has been developed and tested by the U.S. Geological Survey. Discharge measurements using the...

Microcomputer Applications in Transportation III
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the International Conference on Microcomputers in Transportation which was held on June 21-23, 1989 in San Francisco, California. They...

The Stacked Drift Tunnel
The Mount Baker Ridge Tunnel is the first of its kind and the last: a forward thrust of technology and a look back to the flow of federal highway funds, which paid 90% of its cost. The...

ASCE Salary Survey 1989
The 20th biennial ASCE salary survey of the engineering profession conducted by the ASCE Committee on Employment Conditions during the fourth quarter of 1989 is presented. It consists...

Let the Buyer Beware
As recently as the 1970s, state highway agencies blindly purchased land for projects without much concern for hazardous waste. But that changed in 1980 with Superfund legislation, specifically...

Untangling A Can of Worms
Increasing traffic volumes combined with rush-hour delays and commuter complaints have spurred New York State DOT to improve the capacity of a major interchange near Rochester. The interchange,...

The Fine Print
An engineer who uses software, or supervises those who do, must know the laws regulating its purchase and use. Whether a company contracts for custom software, or leases, licenses or contracts...

Facelift For an Interchange
The authors describe a $250 million reconstruction project on a three-level interchange linking I-84 and I-91 in Hartford, Conn., which is the largest rehabilitation project in the state's...

Bumpy Road Ahead
By 1999, we will be riding on highways and public transit paid for by the 1991 reauthorization of the National Surface Transportation Act. Or maybe we won't. The new bill,...

A Possible Paradigm
`We work only on a lump sum basis, with work guaranteed on time, and no extras. We help you define the scope of work, using our experience and unmatched computerized databases, then guarantee...

Commuter Control
Traffic management systems are a relatively new way to expand the capacity of existing highways and to utilize new ones realistically. Several major systems have been in place and new...

Reconstruction Under Traffic: A Study of Some Effects of the Dan Ryan Project on Motor Carrier Operations in Northeast Illinois
The paper discusses preparations by the Chicago Area Transportation Study for a study of the operational responses of truckers to whatever effects upon the regional highway system are...

The Truck Commodity Survey in the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area
The Truck Commodity Survey was designed to gather information on the characteristics of truck traffic at toll barriers with minimal disruption to traffic flows. It was developed by the...

Truck Involvement in Fatal Urban Road Accidents in Australia
Trucks are over-represented (relative to vehicle numbers and vehicle-kilometers of travel) in fatal accidents. Those most at risk are occupants of other vehicles and pedestrians. Articulated...

Some Examples of Latticed Structures in Spain
Since the middle of the last sixties latticed structures have extensively been used in Spain to cover different large areas as factories, churches, marketplaces, exhibition palaces etc....

Fast Track Paving May Offer Applications to Structures
'Fast Track' is a technique that permits portland cement concrete pavements to be opened to traffic in a day or less after they are poured. The method has been...

Fast-Track Concrete Paving
Well known for its corn production, the State of Iowa has been seeding a new product for the past several years. 'Fast Track' concrete has grown along the edge...

Early Opening of Concrete Pavements to Traffic
Current practice for opening slab replacements and full-depth repairs to traffic ranges widely from 2 hours to several days. A rational and simple procedure is urgently needed for determining...

Hydrogeology Comes to the Surface
Before concluding whether groundwater is safe or contaminated, engineers must understand the science of hydrogeology. If they don't understand hydrogeology, unnecessary and...

Reliable Displacements from Integrated Quick-Release Accelerograms
A new baseline correction method has been developed which allows accelerograms collected during quick-release tests of full scale structures to be doubly integrated to displacements. The...





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