Particle Analysis of Material Behavior?A Note on Continuum Assumptions
Continuum models of materials have dominated our approach to the analysis of material behavior. Recently a number of discrete particle methods have been proposed which offer a different...

Nonisothermal Viscoplasticity
A nonisothermal theory of viscoplasticity is formulated for a medium subjected to finite deformation. The basic system of equations consists of the laws of conservation of linear and angular...

Soil Behavior from Unconventional Loading Conditions
Random and sinusoidal loading conditions were used in this study to determine the soil moduli and the damping ratios of cohesive soil samples. Test results showed some differences between...

Experimental Photoelastic Analysis of Tunnels Containing Cracks
Due to the presence of cracks the strength of the structure is decreased in the present paper an experimental two dimensional photoelastic technique has been developed to analyze the circular...

On the Bifurcation of Elasto-Plastic Crystals During Multiple Slip
Conditions for the localization of deformation in elasto-plastic crystals experiencing multiple slip are discussed using multisurface plasticity theory. In particular, some important characteristics...

Instability of Slopes with Nonassociated Flow
Experimental investigations of the conditions for instability have shown that granular materials may become unstable inside the failure surface. For states of stress below the failure...

Analysis of Internal Discontinuities in Geo-Materials
A new approach for modeling localized deformations is proposed. This approach uses an interface element to model the shear band. A successful capture of the kinematics of a failure mechanism...

Neural Network Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of Sand
Given a set of triaxial test data, an artificial neural network (ANN) has been trained to model the mechanical behavior of a medium-to-fine sand. Once trained, the ANN was tested by simulating...

Computer Simulation of Direct Shear Test
This paper presents a pilot study of a computer simulation of direct shear test on sands using the Discrete Element Method. The numerical test setup is described first, which is followed...

Constitutive Modeling for Material with Perfect Disordered Heterogeneity
Finite element analysis with large number of elements are performed to simulate perfect disordered heterogenous material. The probabilistic nature of the micromechanical behavior of the...

Complementary Potentials of Finite Elasticity
The principles of virtual displacements and forces are embodied in a functional P. The complementary potential Pc is defined by the equation; Pc...

Mechanics of Growing Deformable Solids: A Review
An attempt is undertaken to summarize the contemporary knowledge in mechanics of deformable solids of accruing mass. A general mathematical model of an abstract growing deformable solid...

Interaction Between Soil and a Rigid Foundation in a Layered Medium: A New Analytical Approach
This paper is concerned with derivation of the impedance matrix for the problem of interaction between soil and an embedded rigid foundation in a layered medium. As an approximation, the...

Dynamic Response Analysis of Pile Foundations by Using Variational Calculus
Various approaches have been developed for the frequency-domain dynamic response analysis. The one proposed by M. Novak (1974) is simplest of all and yet produces the results very close...

Flexible Plates for Control of Stress Distribution
Use of a flexible plate in minimization of soil reaction concentrations at the edge was analyzed. The analysis utilizes a solution for vertical vibrations of the circular flexible plate...

Experimental and Theoretical Dynamic Compliances of Foundations
An experimental study of the dynamic behavior of surface foundations on granular soils by centrifuge modeling is presented. The test method allows a direct measurement of the complex-valued...

Wave Propagation in Solids
The last fifty years have seen the development of a large number of application of the theory of wave propagation in solids to problems of interest to civil engineers. Most notable have...

Postbuckling Behavior of Stiffened Composite Shell Panels
The paper summarizes the current status of an ongoing study on the postbuckling behavior of thick and moderately thick composite stiffened shells. Axially compressed moderately thick panels...

Mathematical Characterization of Fabric and Its Use in Mechanics of Geomaterials
Increased evidence of the influence of their discrete nature on the observed behavior of geomaterials has prompted a number of investigators to look at these materials at the microstructural...

The Effective Stress Path for Soil at High Pressure
The effect of increasing stiffness in the soil skeleton on the effective stress path in undrained triaxial compression tests is experimentally examined and found to not be significant....





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