Challenges in the Design and Manufacture of Small Replacement Runners
The increasing trend within the hydro industry to achieve additional capacity and/or energy through runner replacement has brought with it new challenges for the turbine manufacturer....

Dillon Hydroelectric Project Performance Versus Expectations
The Dillon Hydroelectric Project was commissioned in 1987. Design and construction are briefly described; plant availability is compared with design expectations; and maintenance costs...

Hydropower Research: The University Perspective
University hydraulic laboratories have provided applied research services for the hydropower community for many years. It is the contention of this paper that only limited technology transfer...

Waterpower 91?Laboratory Investigation of Syphon Intakes
The Federal Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (Canada) has funded four separate investigations of syphon hydro technology. These study phases, which were carried out by Acres Hydraulic...

Design Concepts for Vertical Kaplan Turbines
In this paper, some general aspects as well as selected design details of vertical Kaplan turbines are presented. The Monroe Street project which is under construction right now serves...

An Overview of the Latest Developments in the Modernization, Upgrading and Rehabilitation of Existing Hydraulic Turbines
The growth experienced in the 1980's in the modernization of older hydro plants has fueled the development of new runner and wheelcase designs and modifications providing...

Position Indicator Arrangements for Gates
There are several types of position indicator arrangements that can be installed for various types of gates. These arrangements include mechanical, hydraulic and electronic types. Larger...

Diagnostic Testing and Repair of Grand Rapids Generating Station's Unit Four
This paper is a case history that discusses diagnosis and correction of a variable pitch propeller type (Kaplan) hydraulic turbine problem. The turbine problem involved fatigue failures...

Turbines and Pump Turbines for Ultra High Heads
The paper describes the turbine development in Norway as background for high head turbine technology and shows a typical Norwegian high head Francis as an example. High head reversible...

Case Study in the Upgrade and Rehabilitation Techniques of a Pumped Storage Installation
This paper presents a specific case study in the runner upgrade and unit rehabilitation of two pump/turbines at the Seneca Powerhouse. The study addresses the modern optimized designs...

Hydraulic Weighing Lysimeter Measurement Errors
A prototype size lysimeter was studied in the laboratory to determine accuracy and sources of error that might be caused by variable pillow contact area, temperature changes in various...

Field Experience with Hydraulic Weighing Lysimeters
Hydraulic weighing lysimeters can be a reliable and relatively inexpensive source of actual crop evapotranspiration (ET) data for field water use studies and crop coefficient development....

Use of Lysimetric Measurements for Designing Major Irrigation Systems in the USSR
The bioclimatic method for calculation of crop water requirements has been widely used in the USSR in recent years. The author has analyzed the results of its application for designing...

Design and Management of Drip Systems in Hawaii
In 1970, Hawaii's sugar industry began implementing drip irrigation to minimize labor requirements, improve water and nutrient application efficiencies, and maximize yields....

Evaluation of Thermoplastic Drainage Pipe Designs in Europe and North America
The last 10 years have seen significant increase in the use of plastic pipe for drainage systems in North America in comparison to Europe. Many plastic pipe products have included corrugations,...

Hydrologic Impact of Reservoir Filling on a Fractured Crystalline-Rock Aquifer
A study of flow in and recharge to fractured rock has been initiated in conjunction with the construction and filling of a pumped-storage reservoir for a hydropower plant in the Blue Ridge...

Canal Model Evaluation and Comparison Criteria
The ASCE Task Committee on 'Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling' was formed to evaluate existing canal unsteady flow models (computer programs) and to...

Description and Evaluation of Program CANAL
CANAL was developed in 1987 at Utah State University to perform hydrodynamic computer simulations of canal networks. This paper describes the model and offers opinions on the model's...

Description and Evaluation of Program: DUFLOW
DUFLOW is a micro-computer software package for simulating one-dimensional unsteady flow in open channel systems. It is designed for simple networks of channels with simple structures....

Description and Evaluation of Program: USM
USM was developed by the USBR for simulating unsteady flow conditions in canals with either manual or automatic gate operation. This paper describes the model and discusses the relative...





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