Effectiveness of Erosion Control
Erosion control in the urban environment is addressed from the perspective of the mechanisms of erosion. The primary cause of erosion in urban areas is flowing water. Measures are identified...

Runoff Controls in Wisconsin's Priority Watersheds
The Wisconsin nonpoint source program is becoming more heavily involved in urban runoff controls. About 3 million of state cost sharing money has already been allocated to controlling...

Design and Effectiveness of Urban Retention Basins
Retention basins are recommended by practicing engineers and regulatory agencies for stormwater management in new land developments. They may require considerable space which limits their...

Detention and Retention Controls for Urban Runoff
The operating principle for retention devices is the interception and capture of runoff, preventing its direct release to surface waters. The most common mechanism by which captured runoff...

Downtown Traffic Goes Down Under
Seattle's 1980 employment population of 124,000 is expected to jump to 150,000 by 1990. This will mean more commuter traffic and more mass transit coming into the city's...

Facility Location and Land Use
The Urban/Rural Dilemma
Most land use planning techniques focus on large metropolitan areas, with relatively little attention paid to smaller communities. Recent issues such as nuclear power plant location, water...

Urban Runoff Quality
Impact and Quality Enhancement Technology
This book contains the papers presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference, Urban Runoff Quality, held June 22-27, 1986 in Henniker, New Hampshire. Topics covered include data needs...

The Historical Development of Boston's Water Supply System
Boston, one of the oldest cities in the United States, has one of the oldest public water supply systems, dating back to 1652. The system was developed and expanded incrementally in response...

Design and Evaluation of Small City Transit Options
Innovation in the delivery of transit service in smaller urban areas is no easy task. Budgetary matters tend to dominate the decision horizons of local transit officials. Coming up with...

Development of the Houston Transitway System
The degradation of mobility in Houston, Texas has progressed to the critical stage. Future growth and the economic viability of the metropolitan region is in serious jeopardy unless major...

Diagnostics for Improving Transit Performance
Scarce financial resources challenge every level of government to operate as efficiently as possible while delivering services that are effective. This is particularly true of transit...

How to Use a Transit Consumer Information System
This paper reports the results of an effort to implement a consumer information system in a small urban area. The system was designed to periodically report the travel patterns and viewpoints...

Institutional Barriers to Private Financing
This paper examines the general question of institutional barriers at federal, state and local levels of government to private participation and financing in urban transportation. He reports...

Managing Public Works: How the Best Do It
Management methods of what are considered the best public works organizations are reviewed. Examples of personnel management in some of these organizations include: Fostering the professional...

Assessing Infrastructure Alternatives?Atlantic City Style
As with most older American Cities, the originally installed infrastructure was not designed to meet the increased demands of today. Time has seen the creation of many separate but yet...

Infrastructure Management and Planning for the City of Seattle
This paper summarizes the current planning effort that the City of Seattle's Engineering Department (SED) is undertaking for Transportation Infrastructure Management. The...

Rationalizing Land Records, Mapping, Planning
The way land records are kept and used in cities and counties is outmoded. The same is true for base mapping and land use planning. The computer is helping streamline all three, as is...

Mixed Use, Mixed Materials
Tabor Center is a $330 million office/commercial/hotel complex in Denver's urban renewal area. The two block site is bisected by a street that had to be kept open during construction....

Managing a New Start Rail Transit Agency
In 1982 the Southern California Rapid Transit District (RTD) was facing two major challenges. A Policy and Management Plan was developed to meet these two major challenges. The Policy...

Managing Major Transit Construction Projects
Building rapid transit systems is a regular and ongoing world wide occurrence. However, for cities initiating first time transit system development it is truly a unique experience. Initiating...





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