Erosion of Steep River Banks and Time Evolution Towards Equilibrium Channel Shape
A numerical analysis of the time evolution of straight river channels is presented. The bed and bank, material is taken to be coarse, non-cohesive and uniform in size. As a result of the...

Inflatable Structures of Non-Circular Cross Section
This paper discusses six approaches to achieve an inflatable structure of non-circular cross section for use in lunar base development. Other papers have examined potential multiple uses...

Beneficiation and Comminution Circuit for the Production of Lunar Liquid Oxygen (LLOX)
A complete lunar beneficiation and comminution circuit has been designed that requires no air or fluid locks for feed introduction or egress, with the exception of a vapor pyrolysis station....

Colgate Palmolive Transportation Impact Case Study
The Colgate Palmolive Company owns eleven city blocks of land in the Exchange Place area of downtown Jersey City, New Jersey. Colgate Palmolive operated manufacturing facilities on their...

Modeling Nearshore Currents in the Vicinity of the Endicott Causeway, Alaska
The Endicott Causeway connects two oil production islands on the southern side of Stefansson Sound, about 5 km offshore of the Sagavanirktok River delta, to the mainland of the Alaskan...

A Study of Salt Transport Processes in Delaware Bay
The study described here is a subset of a broader climate-related study, and is focused primarily on salinity intrusion into Delaware Bay and River. Given changes in freshwater discharge...

Modeling the Pathways of Nonconservative Substances in Estuaries
ELAmet is a model for nonconservative chemical transport which solves the advection/dispersion/transformation equation using a modification of Eulerian-Lagrangian methods. In this paper...

Application of a Boundary Fitted Coordinate Mass Transport Model
A three-dimensional, boundary fitted coordinate, finite difference, mass transport model was applied to the Providence River in Upper Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The governing advection-diffusion...

Simulation of Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics in Long Island Sound: Annual Timescales
The Mellor-Blumberg three-dimensional hydrodynamic model in application to Long Island Sound includes time varying water level residual, sea surface temperature, river inflow, and wind...

Numerical Simulation of Tidally Induced Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of New York Bight
A time-varying three-dimensional (3D) numerical hydrodynamic model has been applied to the coupled New York Bight, Long Island Sound, and Hudson River flow system. The modeling effort...

Two-Dimensional Circulation Modeling of the Pamlico River Estuary, North Carolina
A two dimensional, vertically averaged, unsteady flow model was applied to a 50- kilometer reach of the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina. The model computational grid, which consists...

DYNLET1: Network Model for Tidal Inlet Dynamics
This paper introduces DYNLET1, an efficient, versatile, and accurate one- dimensional numerical model for computing tidal flow in a system of interconnecting channels and bays. Drawing...

Evaluation of Modelling Parameters for Simulation of Estuarial Systems
Frequently, the purpose of flow simulation in estuaries and complex river systems is to develop circulation patterns for later use. In particular flow and stage time histories are required...

Pollutant Transport Modelling in Large River Plumes
The Niagara River plume in Lake Ontario and the Fraser River plume in the Strait of Georgia are of similar spatial dimensions, and arise from rivers with comparable discharge. Both rivers...

Innovative Reregulation Weirs
Since their construction, hydropower dams have generated more than just power for the Tennessee Valley Authority, they also generated concerns about their effects on river flow and aquatic...

Climatic Change and Ensuing Risks Facing Water Resources Managers
Global climatic changes will have a significant effect on the utilization of regional water resources and will influence markedly the operation and management of water storage and delivery...

On Deciding Between the Use of Engineering Standards and Risk Analysis
Risk analysis offers advantages for the optimal design and maintenance of infrastructure, but it is not always practical to apply due to the nature of certain types of infrastructure....

?H and ?4C as Tracers of Ground-Water Recharge
Surface spreading of water from the Santa Clara River is used to recharge aquifers underlying the Oxnard Plain. These aquifers are divided into an upper system about 400 feet thick, and...

Importance of ET on Colorado River Water Quality
Salinity is a major problem in the Colorado River. About 37 percent of the salt loading is contributed by irrigated agriculture activities. Deep percolation and seepage from irrigated...

Agricultural Impacts on Surface Water via Ground Water
Three years of ground and surface water quality monitoring data collected from one site in the mid-Atlantic coastal plain are presented. These data suggest that delivery of P from ground...





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