Parallel Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods for Structural Analysis Problems with Multiple Loadings
This paper describes the use of conjugate gradient method for finite element problems with multiple loading cases. Specifically, we introduce a modified conjugate gradient method for the...

Source Identification and Ranking of Wet Weather Discharges in an Urban Area
A study has recently been completed to characterize the pollutant loadings to the Providence River, RI during wet weather conditions. A total of 11 land based sampling stations including...

Finite Element Studies of Block Shear for Structural Tees
Structural tees are commonly used as tension members. As a first step toward testing the adequacy of the current design codes for net section and block shear failures near the connections...

Stochastic Finite Element-Based Reliability Analysis of Dynamically Loaded Frames
This paper presents the use of the Stochastic Finite Element Method (SFEM) for reliability analysis of steel frames subjected to dynamic loading, in the context of modal superposition....

Minimum Required Lateral Stiffness of Structures
In this paper an approximate method is presented to calculate the minimum lateral stiffness required to insure global structural stability. The technique is based on setting the critical...

Limit and Post-Limit Behavior of Space Trusses
A numerical technique for the nonlinear analysis of space trusses taking into consideration such factors as load-eccentricity, initial crookedness of the member and nonlinear stress-strain...

A Kinematic Hardening and Softening Model of Concrete
In the present paper, a new loading surface calibrated by several typical uni- and multi-axial test curves is proposed. Following the associated flow rule, a relatively simple constitutive...

Inelastic Mechanisms in Dynamically Loaded Ceramics
The dynamic response of ceramic materials has been the subject of intense research in the past decade. In this paper, we succinctly describe a plate impact experiment of a star-shaped...

One Surface Model for Concrete with Non-Associated Damage Rule
The general formulation of a continuum theory for the inelasticity of concrete is derived. The internal theory of thermodynamics is used and the dissipation inequality is established....

Wave Loading Linearization for Offshore Structures
The linearization of Morison-type wave loading is to replace u|u| by cu, where u is a zero mean, stationary Gaussian random process and c is a constant. In the present study an optimal...

Myocardial Wall Stress: A Clinician's View
Definition of left ventricular (LV) wall stress is a parameter which has a valid application in clinical medicine. This paper discusses this application as it pertains to various cardiac...

Finite Element Stress Analysis of a Spinal Segment
A large number of factors need to be determined to understand the biomechanics of a surgical procedure about the lumbar spine. Some of these factors are amenable to experimental investigations...

In-Vitro Measurement of Static Contact Pressure Distribution in Synovial Joints
The objective of this presentation is, at first, to review the various approaches to the measurement of contact pressure distribution in synovial joints, and then to describe the development...

Normal and Tangential Contact of Layered Spheres as Models of Joint Contact
The causes of cracking in degenerating cartilage are examined using analytical models of layered elastic spheres in normal and tangential contact. Vertical surface and deep radial cracks...

A Contact Problem Modeling the Squeeze-Film Mode of Synovial Joint Lubrication
A contact problem modeling synovial joint lubrication under squeeze-film conditions is studied. In this model, the thin synovial fluid layer is incompressible and linearly viscous, and...

Stochastic Seismic Response of Simple Structures
Since, at present, it is impossible to eliminate the various sources of uncertainty related to earthquake loading, it is necessary to better understand their effects on structural seismic...

Modelling of Tubes with Large Plastic Deformation
A thin circular tube laterally compressed between two rigid plates is investigated for its load(P)-displacement(?) behaviour. The moving hinge concept yields a good prediction compared...

R/C Columns Under Axial and Bi-Directional Lateral Loads
The reliability of a model, called a multi-spring model, was examined to simulate the observed response of reinforced concrete columns subjected to varying high axial loads and bi-directional...

Buckling Loads of Columns Made of Viscoelastic Materials
This is about the developing of relationships for predicting the change of buckling loads of columns made of viscoelastic materials under different loads. When a columnlike structural...

Engineering Applications of the Analysis of a Spherical Shell
In a companion paper, a set of two integral equations have been established for a spherical shell under axisymmetric loads. This set of equations may be solved numerically by using Nystrom...





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