A Combined Noise Model for HSGT Traffic
Environmental concerns are high on the list of possible problem areas for proposed high speed ground transportation (HSGT) systems. A Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Traffic...

Maglev Utilization of Interstate Highway and Railroad Rights-of-Way
Government officials and transportation industry experts have proposed that existing highway and railroad rights-of-way could be utilized effectively to host maglev guideway route alignments....

High Speed Rail Loading Scenario and Dynamic Tuning of Track
Similarities and differences exist between conventional and high speed rail (HSR) infrastructure design. The differences stem from the dynamic nature of the HSR loading scenario and the...

Small-Government GIS
Geographic information systems, or GISs, have shown great potential for use as a tool by public engineers working on the state and municipal level, but the time and money required to put...

Coastal Erosion and Protection in China
The recent coastal erosion in China was becoming increasingly remarkable in the late fifties and had taken a turn for the worse in the late seventies. At present there exist about 70 per...

Potential Application of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act to Washington State
Congress reauthorized the coastal barrier resources act(CBRA) in 1990. Section 6 of the law directed the department of the interior to study the feasibility of extending the provisions...

Upper Watershed Management and Sedimentation in Mugu Lagoon, Ventura County, California
Mugu Lagoon is one of the last remaining, natural salt marsh systems in southern California. In the last 90 years, sedimentation in the lagoon has increased from a geologic rate of 0.17...

Bulgarian Coastal Management
This paper responds to the call of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development for sustainable and economically-sound development and use of the world's natural resources....

Minnesota Guidestar?Progress Towards a Statewide Intelligent Transportatin System
Minnesota Guidestar is seeking to develop a truly statewide intelligent transportation system. The pursuit of this goal necessitates the testing and evaluation of a number of different...

IVHS Strategic Planning for Washington State
Implementation of IVHS technologies must be based on a strategic planning approach. The strategic plan must consider regional and statewide needs and should prompt integration of IVHS...

Before-After Evaluation of FTMS Effectiveness
This paper demonstrated the possibilities for conducting before-after evaluation of a new freeway traffic management system (FTMS) using only data from the inductive loop detectors. Using...

Estimation of Queue Lengths in Urban Road Networks
In this paper we present a new scheme for the surveillance of traffic state on a link of an urban road network. It is shown that measurements of traffic counts and speed values from a...

Travel Time Data Fusion in Advance
The ADVANCE project in the Chicago metropolitan area is one of several ATIS operational tests currently underway in the USA and abroad. Fusion of equipped vehicle (probes) travel time...

Filtering and Prediction on Freeways Using Markov Models
A Markov compartment model of freeway traffic flow is presented and used to derive a Kalman Filter which tracks a freeway section's density, broken down by destination. The filter is then...

Freeway Control Systems for Using Section-Related Traffic Variable Detection
Traffic control systems for freeways are described which use section-related traffic variable measurement techniques. For deriving section-related variables feature sequence of a vehicle...

Using VRC Data for Incident Detection
Most existing incident detection algorithms use inductive loops, a relatively old sensor technology that obtains data at specific points along the roadway. This paper discusses the use...

Video Image Processing Application: Automatic Incident Detection on Freeways
This paper presents the results of tests carried out in the last 3 months of 1992 regarding the Automatic Incident Detection System elaborated in the INAVID project (DRIVE program). This...

Driver Assistance and Local Traffic Management, DALTM
This paper focus on some important features in the Swedish and European Road, Transport and informatic (RTI) program - the intelligent communication between road infrastructure and the...

Rural Applications of IVHS
The Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) program in the U.S.A. is understandably directed primarily toward urbanized areas where congestion is highest. Despite having somewhat less...

Motorist Aid Systems ? Intelligent Roadside Controllers
Advanced technology call boxes, employing a variety of communications networks and embedded microprocessors, have brought a new level of functionality and extensibility to motorists aid...





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