An Application of EPA EXTRAN Model to a Flood Management Study in South Florida
In performing the flood management studies, somewhat unique concerns in South Florida are the backwater conditions due to tidal or non-tidal tailwater, flow reversals from project canal...

Shoal Creek Flood Control Plan Austin, Texas
Following the devastating 1981 Memorial Day flood, a comprehensive and innovative flood control plan was developed and implemented for Austin's Shoal Creek Watershed. The...

Multi-purpose Stormwater Detention Facility Completed as First Phase of Englewood, Colorado, Flood Control Project
In 1980 the City of Englewood Urban Renewal Authority proceeded with planning for flood control improvements along Little Dry Creek. The selected plan includes capacity improvements for...

A Real-Time Flood Management Model for River-Reservoir Systems
A flood forecasting model has been developed for the Lower Colorado River Authority that can be used in a real-time framework to make decisions on reservoir operations during flooding....

Criteria for Spillway Design Floods
The procedures outlined in this paper only address the hydrologic safety criteria for spillway design floods. The recommended procedures are based on a careful identification of the social,...

Indemnification Costs in the Dam Safety Decision
The ASCE Task Committee on Spillway Design Floods has proposed safety criteria for three categories of dams. Category 1 dams are those with anticipated failure consequences so large and...

The GEV Distribution in Drought Frequency Analysis
Three decades have passed since A. F. Jenkinson found the general solution to the Stability Postulate, which is the condition that all the extremes must meet, and after him that solution...

A Flood Prediction Geographic Information System
The paper discusses a GIS that derives kinematic wave model parameters using stream network, elevation, and basin boundary data. Various approaches are being investigated for estimating...

Muskingum Flow Routing Using Personal Computers
The paper discusses how tedious computations involved in flow routing can be easily implemented on Personal Computers. Parameter estimation and routing calculations for both linear and...

A Filtering Approach to Flood Routing
Hydrologic river routing and hydraulic channel routing are in general use for flood routing. Both approaches use deterministic mathematical models and treat inflow and outflow hydrographs...

Safety Design Flood for Too Wide Creek Dam
This paper presents an example application of the procedure developed by the ASCE Task Committee on Spillway Design Floods for a dam on the Too Wide Creek. The example was developed from...

Development, Use, and Synthesis of S-Graphs
A study to identify S-graphs from the southwestern United States has been completed. This study has resulted in the compliation of 53 S-graphs, documentation of some of the watershed characteristics,...

Flood Hydrology Modeling: U.S. Virgin Islands
To develop a consistent basis for evaluating existing flooding problems and for planning activities to reduce future flood damage, a watershed modeling project was initiated by the Government...

Impact of Temperature on Columbia River Winter Floods
During the course of an extensive study of the Columbia River drainage to evaluate a major levee system near Portland Oregon, it was noted that flood runoff produced by winter storms with...

The Dallas Floodway Project
This paper explores the history of the Dallas Floodway project, past performance of the project under various flood conditions, recently updated hydrologic and hydraulic evaluations, and...

Probability Based Evaluation of Spillway Capacity
Spillway adequacy could be evaluated more objectively if estimates were available of the probabilities of discharges up to the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF). As a first step in making such...

Monte Carlo Approach to Spillway Design Floods
This paper shows the use of a daily stochastic streamflow model for the calculation of the hydrograph for spillway design. Most of the literature related to the topic deals with the problem...

An Analysis and Comparison of Probable Maximum Floods with 10,000-year Frequency Floods and Maximum Observed Floods for Spillway Design
The use of deterministic probable maximum floods are supported in part by the conclusions of an Interagency Work Group formed to address the following questions: (1) Is it within the state...

Paleoflood Studies in Colorado
Paleoflood hydrology is the study of botanic, sedimentologic and geomorphic flood evidence remaining in a valley. Paleoflood studies in the Colorado foothills and mountains have been used...

Criteria for Selecting a Reservoir Routing Method
Results of an investigation comparing dynamic and storage reservoir routing applied in dam safety analyses are presented. Outflow hydrographs computed by these reservoir routing methods...





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