The Virtual Mission: A Step-Wise Approach to Large Space Missions
The new Virtual Mission concept will provide NASA's Science Program with a powerful new, 'go-as-you-pay,' flexible, and resilient way of accomplishing its science observing program. The...

Space-Based Assembly Sequence Formulation for Evaluation of Large Orbital Assemblies
The challenges associated with constructing interplanetary spacecraft and space platforms in low earth orbit are such that it is imperative that comprehensive, preliminary process planning...

Design of a Support and Foundation for a Large Lunar Optical Telescope
NASA is considering a large lunar telescope [LLT] and a smaller diameter precursor telescope experiment on the Moon. The preliminary design of the 16-meter optical aperture is being performed...

Roof Management Alternatives for Aging Launch Infrastructure
This paper describes a Roof Management System approach to better cope with aging and deteriorating infrastructure support facilities at our national spaceports. It describes facility conditions...

The New Munich Airport?Planning, Construction and Opening of a New International Turnstile Airport in Europe
The new Munich airport that began operations just recently dates back to the mid-1950. The paper discusses the general expansion plan which includes site selection; runway system planning;...

Soft Touch People Mover Central Control
The people mover central control systems perform many automatic functions, are built with off-the-shelf redundant hardware, include advanced color graphics and touch screen operator interfaces,...

Airport Landside Management: An Unique Airport Specialty
Air transportation has become a common and preferred method of travel, resulting in an ever increasing number of air passengers. The significant growth has resulted in unique and never...

Traffic Data Collection: What Really Needs to be Done?
The collection of 'existing' traffic data such as the 24-hour counts, turning movement counts, driveway volumes, and vehicle classification counts near the proposed project site becomes...

A Guideline for Determining Minimum Threshold Requiring Traffic Impact Studies
Over the years, a number of localities have developed and adopted some form of traffic impact assessment (TIA) guidelines. As part of this study, an informal survey conducted showed that...

Estimation of Pass-By Trips Using a License Plate Survey
The objective of the study was to determine whether it is possible to estimate the percentage of pass-by trips using a license plate survey instead of the traditional interview survey....

Improvements on Quantifying Pass-By Trips for Shopping Centers
Improvements to the procedures for quantifying pass-by trips (T), handling imbalanced traffic volume conditions, and collecting field pass-by trip data are suggested. A simpler model which...

Using Traffic Network Models to Assess Site Impact Traffic
This paper covers experience gained in using traffic network models as a site traffic analysis tool, including problems encountered in developing an appropriate zone system and coded highway...

The Traffic Impact Study and Traffic Impact Fees
The Traffic Impact Study (TIS) identifies roadway improvements, and roadway improvement costs, which are required to adequately serve total traffic volumes after completion of a particular...

Lagrangian Transport Simulation Using Video Images to Store and Retrieve Parameters
A new technique based on Video Images for Storing and Retrieving parameters (VISR) and its application to model pollutant transport using the Lagrangian discrete parcel method is presented....

An Experimental Model Using a Graphical User Interface
This paper describes a program named Plume which runs on a microcomputer. The intended function of the program is to enhance an investigator's understanding of the estuarine environment...

Techniques for Visualization of Estuarine and Coastal Flow Fields
A variety of formats for the display of velocity vector components are presented and assessed. The effective transmittal of information to the viewer is the criterion emphasized. The special...

A Graphical Post-Processor for CE-QUAL-W2
A directly linked graphical post-processor has been developed for the Corps of Engineers' CE-QUAL-W2 (W2) Model. The post-processor allows the quick visualization and verification of the...

A Study of Salt Transport Processes in Delaware Bay
The study described here is a subset of a broader climate-related study, and is focused primarily on salinity intrusion into Delaware Bay and River. Given changes in freshwater discharge...

Tide and Hurricane Storm Surge Computations for the Western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
The development of a finite element (FE) model to study tides and hurricane storm surge in the Western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico is discussed. Issues that are emphasized include...

A Finite Element Model for Three-Dimensional Flows Along the West Coast of Vancouver Island
Extensive salinity and temperature measurements taken during June 1984 are used to calculate a three-dimensional density field for the west coast of Vancouver Island. Combining this field...





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