Lunar Habitats?Places for People
As part of President George Bush's Space Exploration Initiative, lunar bases or habitats are envisioned for long-term habitation by humans. This paper presents factors that should be considered...

The Design of a Permanent Lunar Research Station
The advancement of the United States efforts in space exploration and research requires the establishment of a permanent manned lunar research station. This paper explores the possible...

Evaluating Lunar Base Conceptual Designs
A large number of competing lunar base conceptual designs have been proposed in recent years. The range of assumptions and technologies used in these designs makes comparison difficult....

Design and Technology Assessment of Three Lunar Habitat Concepts
Three manned lunar habitat concepts, designed to support a crew of four for 28-30 days, are presented. Two concepts are based on Space Station Freedom structural elements and the third...

The Feasbility of Using Solar Optics for Lunar Base Lighting
This paper is a summary of research conducted to establish the feasibility of using solar optics in reduced gravity environments, particularly a lunar base. The research was funded by...

The Application of Open System Architecture to Planetary Surface Systems
This paper investigates the issues that future planet surface activities must confront, defines the basic concepts that provide the basis for establishing an Open System Architecture,...

Transient Analysis of Flexible Space Structures
A new approach for numerical analysis of flexible space frames subjected to impact forces is presented. The method is particularly effective in the analysis of large amplitude vibration...

Response of Space Structures Under Sudden Local Damage
Damages to space structures can come from such adverse events as impact by foreign objects, docking, drastic temperature changes, and exposure to radiation and charged particles. This...

The Affordable Space Platform: The STS External Tank
Future development of space requires establishing affordable work platforms in orbit. This paper surveys possible uses of the Space Transportation System's External Tank (ET) to provide...

Evolution of the Space Station Freedom Module Pattern
The Space Station Freedom (SSF) is being designed to serve as a permanently manned platform in space to accommodate a growing amount of supported scientific research and, ultimately, to...

On-Orbit Assembly of Large Space Structures: A Mars Aerobrake Mock-up Study
As design requirements for space structures become larger in dimension, the issues of shipping and assembling these structures in space become more critical. One example of such a structure...

Structural Design Methodology of Large Space Structures
This paper discusses considerations and outlines a methodology for structural design of large space structures (LSS) deployed in low earth orbit. It includes definition of mission requirements,...

A Methodology for Development of Spaced-Based Assembly Operations
Designing and constructing a large space-based science facility requires the integration of constraints and design variables with assembly operations. Development of such a facility requires...

The Analysis Related to the Impact of Composite Panels
In analyzing experiments under impact loading, a dynamic model is needed to solve for the deflections and strains as functions of time. For composites, where shear deformation can be very...

Steam Injection System for Lunar Concrete
Since January 1989, the Department of Civil Engineering at the United States Air Force Academy has been conducting research on the use of concrete for constructing permanent facilities...

Concrete Construction on the Moon
Building bases on the Moon, according to Space Exploration Initiative, may start in the early 21st century. Concrete, as versatile as it has been, might become the prime material for construction....

Operations Planning for Space Station FREEDOM?and Beyond
Automated planning and electronic execution systems offer tremendous potential for enhancing operations aboard Space Station FREEDOM (SSF). To exploit this potential, the Operations Planning...

The German Participation in the Soviet MARS 94/96 Mission
The German contribution to the science program of the Soviet MARS 94/96 missions includes 14 experiments or experiment, participations to be placed on the various mission elements: the...

Preliminary Investigation of a Lunar 16 Meter Optical Telescope
The results of a year-long effort to develop a design concept for the structure of a 16 meter lunar optical telescope are presented. Various mounting configurations and mirror configurations...

Nondestructive Testing of Concrete Elements and Structures
Quality of a concrete structure depends on good construction practice. On the other hand, continuous repair and maintenance preserve the quality of construction. Nondestructive evaluation...





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