RCC: A Dam Rehab Solution Unearthed
Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is fast becoming a popular material for the rehabilitation of existing dams. Several dams have already been rehabilitated using RCC, and several more RCC...

Building a Bridge Within a Bridge
The City of Grand Rapids had to replace an aging bridge connecting vital commercial centers on opposite sides of Michigan's Grand River. The city's consultants...

Statistical Analysis of Tellico Dam Piezometer Data
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of statistical and computer processing methods as a tool for analyzing dam safety piezometric monitoring data. Statistical methods are...

Expert System for Risk Assessment of Concrete Dams
An expert system is presented that will assist a field inspector, during the site investigation of an existing concrete dam, to perform a preliminary structural risk assessment of the...

Practice of Risk Analysis in the Private Sector
Although risk-analysis is currently gaining acceptance in the decision process among engineers involved in public safety of water resources projects, the 'state-of-the-art'...

Grouting a Sand Dam
Hardy Dam, owned by Michigan's Consumers Power Co., was constructed in 1929 by dumping sand from railroad trestles for an embankment to support a concrete core wall. Some...

Design of Strontia Springs Arch Dam
The development of the layout and the history of design of the 292 foot (89 m) high Strontia Springs Dam is presented. While a brief description of the general project layout and foundation...

Geology of the Strontia Springs Arch Dam
Precambrian metamorphic gneisses comprised the foundation rock at Strontia Springs Damsite. Geologic exploration at the axis selected for the arch dam revealed a large shear zone which...

Geotechnical Aspects of Strontia Springs Arch Dam
The bedrock at the Strontia Springs damsite consists of generally excellent quality granitic and metamorphic rock, except for a wide shear zone located beneath the dam in the lower valley...

Hydraulic Design of the Strontia Springs Diversion Dam
The hydraulic features which were of primary significance for the project were the diversion tunnel and spillway. The low-level outlet valves and water-supply intake were relatively straight-forward...

Construction of Strontia Springs Dam
Strontia Springs Dam is a principal feature of the Foothills Project on the South Platte River, 25 miles southwest of Denver, Colorado. The dam provides for storage and diversion of water...

Concrete Quality Control and Quality Assurance on Strontia Springs Dam
An essential part of the construction management services provided on Strontia Springs Dam was the quality control of material, mixture proportions, and production for all concrete placed...

Dam Pioneers Concrete Variant
The Willow Creek Dam in Oregon is the nation's first dam made entirely of roller compacted concrete. The design and construction of this dam are described and special problems...

Mini Hydro at Low Cost
The Kingsley Dam is an existing irrigation dam that has been retrofitted with electric generating capacity. The project was completed 6 months ahead of schedule without interrupting irrigation...

The Hybrid Arena
The University of North Carolina's new basketball arena at Chapel Hill combines steel and fabric in a dome whose design by David Geiger Associates is based on the principles...

Seismic Analysis of Horse Creek Dam, Hudson, Colorado
On April 8, 1981, six days after a Richter magnitude 4. 0 earthquake, inspectors from the Colorado State Engineer's Office discovered a small crack in outboard side of Horse...

Filters and Leakage Control in Embankment Dams
In the practice of earth dam engineering there has been some doubt that downstream filters could be relied upon completely to control and seal concentrated leaks through impervious dam...

Embankment Seepage Control Design and Construction
For seepage control features of embankment dams, design criteria and construction practice is reviewed as it is reflected in the experience of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The generally...

Abutment Seepage at Smithville Dam
After initial filling there was concern for the stability of Smithville Dam when higher than anticipated piezometric levels were experienced in the left abutment foundation. Concern heightened...

Seepage Control at Cochiti Dam, New Mexico
Significant design data, design assumptions and computations, and performance of the seepage control features provided at Cochiti Dam are summarized in this paper. The dam is a rolled...





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