Unit Hydrograph Estimation Procedures Using Orthogonal Functions
All unit hydrograph estimation procedures based on orthogonal functions are reviewed in this paper. A more physically based orthogonal function (a gamma function) for unit hydrograph estimation...

Survey of GIS Applications in Surface Water Hydrology
Geographic information systems (GIS), computerized tools for management and manipulation of spatially referenced data, are increasingly being used for engineering analysis and design of...

An Operational GIS to Support State-Wide Hydrologic and Nonpoint Pollution Modeling
A geographic information system(GIS) that is structured for hydrologic and nonpoint pollution modeling(GISHYDRO) became operational in the Maryland State Highway Administration's Division...

A Lake Water Quality Management Model to Evaluate Stormwater Management
A research project was completed to develop a dynamic lake water quality management model for Lake Tarpon, a 10.3 km2, shallow lake in Central Florida....

New Directions in Integrated Hydrologic Modeling with GIS
In 1988, the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research funded a project to develop an integrated hydrologic model to more adequately represent mine reclamation hydrology. Five years later,...

Formulation of a Hydrologic Model, for Use with Remotely Sensed Data
Research is currently being conducted at the Pennsylvania State University, as well as, many other sites, in the area of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and implementing its application...

Estimating Floodplain Limits for Complicated Hydrologic and Hydraulic Conditions
A new approach for estimating floodplain limits is shown. A hydraulic model with flood routing capabilities is coupled with a hydrologic model to compute river stages. Simulations are...

Dam-Break Study for Large Floodplain Area - A Case Study
In simulating a dam break flood in a large floodplain, the maximum flood level is sensitive to the off-channel storage volume used in the channel routing. An incorrect estimate of the...

Technology Transfer to Developing Countries
The author describes three types of technology transfer programs that have been found to be effective in hydraulic engineering and other engineering disciplines and cites examples of how...

Mathematical Models for Reservoir Routing Analysis
Various mathematical models exist for the analysis of reservoir flood routing problems. This paper compares recent Runge-Kutta and Euler numerical techniques with the well known Puls approach...

An Integrated Software System for 3DFEMWATER: A 3D Grid Generator, A Graphical Post-Processor, and Additional Analysis Tools
An integrated software system for 3DFEMWATER has been developed to improve the groundwater flow modeling process. The system generates finite-element grids, graphically portrays simulation...

Modeling Two-Dimensional Subsurface Flow, Fate and Transport of Microbes and Chemicals
A two-dimensional model to simulate the subsurface flow, microbial growth-degradation, and transport and biodegradation of chemicals in groundwater environments (2DFATMIC) is developed....

A Two-Dimensional Flow and Hydrogeochemical Transport Model
A two-dimensional flow and hydrogeochemical transport model is designed for estimating the movement and attenuation of chemicals after they are released into subsurface systems. This model...

A Unified Approach to Flood Frequency Analysis
Most stochastic hydrologic studies are based on statistical distributions that are pre-selected without giving consideration to the applicability of the distribution to a particular data...

A New Look at the Statistical Estimation of PMP
The statistical base of Hershfield's Kmvalue Method and its application for estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) were reviewed. The mathematical...

Estimating Exceedance Probabilities of Extreme Floods
Estimates of the exceedance probabilities of extreme floods are needed for risk analysis of dams and nuclear energy facilities. A new approach using a joint probability distribution of...

Hydrologic Regionalization Using a Homogeneity Test
A framework is presented for a regionalization method with a region of influence (ROI) approach. The methodology explicitly incorporates a homogeneity test in the process of selecting...

Probabilistic Calculation of Design Floods?SPEED
The probabilistic calculation of design floods was initiated in the 60s to overcome statistical calculation uncertainties. SPEED takes up and expands this original concept in the form...

Stormwater Infiltration Design Based on Rainfall Statistics and Soil Hydraulics
When comparing stormwater infiltration with other methods for stormwater drainage an appropriate design procedure is necessary. The method proposed for future Danish guidelines is based...

Adapting BMPs to California Hydrology and Climatology
The State of California has the most diverse hydrology and climatology in the United States. It boasts the highest and lowest elevations in the continental U.S. and annual rainfall varies...





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