Probabilistic Description of Ice Forces on an Offshore Arctic Structure
A probabilistic simulation model has been developed to describe the frequency and outcome of multi-year ice floe encounters with a fixed offshore structure located in the Beaufort Sea,...

Arctic Earth Materials for Offshore Construction in Alaska
With the exploration activities onshore and offshore and the development of production facilities, the need for granular earth materials on the North Slope of Alaska is ever present. The...

Geotechnical Thermal Analysis with a Microcomputer
A computer program entitled TDHC (Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction), based on finite element modelling, is capable of solving two-dimensional nonsteady-state heat conduction problems. These...

Borrow Resource Studies in Near-Shore Areas of Alaska's North Slope
Innovative and cost-effective techniques are utilized in the exploration and analysis of near-shore sources of sand and gravel on Alaska's North Slope. High quality sources...

Comparison of Wave Overtopping Prediction to Measurements from Large-Scale Model Tests
A recent large-scale physical model study was sponsored by Arco Alaska, Inc. , to evaluate slope designs for an Arctic offshore oil drilling island. The drilling island will be located...

Design and Model Testing of an Arctic Seawater Intake for Sedimentation and Wave Effects
A seawater intake structure is being designed to provide flood water for tertiary recovery of oil from the Kuparuk oil field near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. A wave effects study establishes...

The Sand Mattress Method of Slope Protection
The sand mattress concept offers promise as an economical alternative to sand bag armor for two distinct applications: (1) slope protection for exploratory islands and/or causeway facilities,...

Effects of External Loadings on Large-Diameter Buried Pipelines
Development of oil and gas resources in the far north has involved extensive use of buried steel pipelines. Buried pipelines, particularly onshore, are frequently subjected to heavy superimposed...

Overview of Soil and Engineering Geologic Conditions in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas
General soil and engineering geologic conditions that are likely to affect exploratory drilling and development activities in six Alaska OCS lease sale areas are discussed. Important conditions...

Strength-Deformation Properties of Arctic Silt
Hydrocarbon exploration and production activities in the Beaufort Sea require construction of gravity structures capable of withstanding extremely large ice loads at sites where the subsea...

Cyclic Multiaxial Cubical Cell Experiments on a Norton Sound Silt
A servo-controlled multiaxial cubical test apparatus has recently been used to investigate the behavior of the foundation soil for a gravity structure in Norton Sound of the Alaska Outer...

Orthophotoquad Mapping Program for Alaska
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the lead civilian mapping agency in the United States and is responsible for creating and maintaining numerous map series. In Alaska the standard...

An HF CODAR Doppler Transponder System
Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company completed two major phases in the development of a high frequency (HF) CODAR Doppler transponder system for measuring sea ice motion. The system...

Geotechnical Characteristics of Seafloor Sediments: Norton Sound, Alaska
During the past few years the USGS has been conducting studies in the northern Bering Sea aimed at identifying geologic and environmental conditions that may be hazardous to offshore resource...

Deep-Water Platform Solutions for the Navarin Basin
The environmental conditions prevailing in the Navarin Basin may impose limitations on the type and shape of production, storage and loading structures. The magnitude of the wind and wave...

Creep Rate Analysis of Pile Load Test Data
The uniform creep behavior of five driven piles and one slurried pile based on pile load test data are presented and analyzed. The incremental static load tests carried out by ARCO, Alaska...

Developing a Drilling Structure for Arctic Waters
Fluor-Doris of Houston has developed a mobile, composite concrete and steel drilling structure called the Arctic Composite Platform (ARCOP). This platform is capable of operations in water...

Research Needed for Civil Engineering in the Arctic
A survey is based on the work of the Research Committee of the ASCE Technical Council on Cold Region Engineering and findings in a number of previous reports on research needs in cold...

Geotechnical Design of Caisson Islands
There are a number of areas where fundamental geotechnical research is required so that non-conservative, rational and safe design of artificial exploration islands can be achieved. Some...

Ice Forces on Port Structures Resulting from Moving Ships
Results are described of experiments carried out in Thunder Bay Harbour in March, 1984, to measure ice forces on a port structure. Ice forces were measured by installing five pressure...





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