Evaluation of the Effects of Weather Modification to Enhance Reservoir Yield During Drought?Salinas Valley, California
Cloud seeding has been conducted for water years 1990-91 and 1991-92 in Monterey County, California in response to the extended drought. The Monterey County Water Resources Agency weather...
Development of a Raw Water Master Plan Model to Assist Long Range Drought and Water Conservation Planning for the City of Louisville, Colorado
The City of Louisville, a municipal corporation charged with meeting the water demands of almost 5,000 water accounts and faced with a diminishing supply of available senior water rights...
Lake-Level Declines in Karst Lake During Droughts
Lake-level declines in Brooklyn Lake, a karst lake in north-central Florida, have been investigated. Below average rainfall, vertical leakage to the underlying aquifer system, declining...
The Method of Derived Distributions Applied to Peak Flows
Random variables which are functionally related have their probability distributions also related in a prescribed manner. Thus, in theory, the probability distribution of peak discharge...
A Comparison of L-Moments with Method of Moments
A comparison of the Conventional Moments Method (CMM) with the L-Moments Method (LMM) for selecting a distribution is made. Five distributions GEV (Generalized Extreme Value), LNO (Lognormal),...
A Revised Snowstorm Maximization Method for Canadian Boreal Regions
A proposed refinement in the development of design snowpacks for use in the derivation of probable maximum floods (PMF) estimates in the Canadian Boreal is presented. Shortcomings in the...
A Probabilistic Approach to Estimate Design Parameters for Flood Control Projects
The purpose of this paper is to provide engineering consultants with an improved method to estimate design parameters for various return periods in rural areas. The proposed method combines...
A Physically Based Methodology for Regional Flood Frequency Analysis
The problem of flood frequency estimation in ungauged catchments is approached by using statistical procedures jointly with derived distribution techniques. The application of this methodology...
Dynamic Perspective on the Capillary Barrier Effect at the Interface of an Upper Fine Layer with a Lower Coarse Layer
The theoretical principles behind the determination of infiltration rate into a coarse layer overlain by a tight layer are reviewed. As a descending unsaturated wetting front hits the...
A Review of Fluid Movement in Compacted Clay: The Case of Macropore Flow
In constructing natural hydraulic barriers to infiltration, a typical design is one founded on the use of layers of compacted clay. Unfortunately, in analyzing the hydraulic performance...
Kinematic Mixing in Stratified Aquifers
The mixing process in heterogeneous aquifers is presented as the bending and stretching of material lines. A linear mixing efficiency is defined in terms of the mean values of a unit length...
Numerical Estimation of Macrodispersivities in Heterogeneous Self-similar Aquifers
Numerical simulations of contaminant transport in a stratified aquifer characterized by a self-similar distribution of hydraulic conductivity were performed. Macrodispersivities were calculated...
Non-Intrusive Crack Detection in Clay Landfill Cover Liners
Laboratory and field studies were conducted to demonstrate that the azimuthal variation in electrical resistivity can be used to indicate the presence of cracks in clay systems. Laboratory...
Simulation of the Propagation of Conserevative Contamination
The hydrodynamic model of the pollutant transport in water bodies was developed and adopted for Volga water supply system of Moscow, which includes five reservoirs and a channel. The model...
Lower Missouri River Water Quality Model for Evaluating Flow Alterations
A modified version of the US Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) one-dimensional (longitudinal) stream water quality model, QUAL2E, was applied to the lower Missouri River to evaluate...
Predicting Basin-Wide Tailwater Temperature Patterns by Combining Mechanistic and Statistical Water Quality Modeling
A simplified method for predicting water temperature patterns downstream of a peaking hydropower dam is described for the Fort Randall Dam tailwater of the mainstem Missouri River as part...
Water Quality Modeling of Lower Green Bay
The impact upon water quality of the planned expansion of a confined disposal facility (CDF) located in lower Green Bay was studied using numerical hydrodynamic and water quality models....
Muskingum Basin Reservoir Pool Frequency Analysis
The purpose of the study was to develop a consistent and defendable elevation frequency analysis of pool elevations for sixteen reservoirs within the basin. A significant level of interest...
Peak Frequency Curves for the Middle Rio Grande
To define peak flow frequency curves for ten sites in the highly controlled and regulated Middle Rio Grande, an approach which relates peak inflow and peak outflow from the reservoirs...
Additional Years of Record and Peak Discharge
The effect of additional years of stream gaging records is analyzed for stream gages in Nebraska. Frequency estimates are based on procedures outlined in Bulletin 17B, including skew coefficient...
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