RCHARC: A New Method for Physical Habitat Analysis
The Riverine Community Habitat Assessment and Restoration Concept (RCHARC) is applied to the Gavin's Point tailwater of the mainstem Missouri River as part of studies by the U.S. Army...
Minimum Streamflow Assessment in Italian Scenarios
Overall water availability and acceptable carrying capacity seem to be at their limits today in Italy. A specific procedure aiming at minimum streamflows analysis and evaluation has been...
Minimum Streamflow for Habitat?A Case Study. Menikganga River Diversion Project?Sri Lanka
Determination of minimum streamflows to be left in the stream channel for the sustenance of the downstream habitats becomes a difficult task when quantitative requirements of such habitats...
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Hydrological Droughts
The study examined several works about extreme droughts for their validity with different parameters by the statistical experimental method. The results showed that the analytical method...
Can Statistical Methods Help to Forecast Drought?
Relationships have been developed between rainfall in eastern Australia and both southern oscillation (SO) and sea surface temperatures (SSTs), and between rainfall in Ghana, West Africa...
Stochastic Modeling for Drought Analysis
Periodic as well as annual stochastic streamflow models have been fitted to the highly variable flows measured at Krishnarajasagara (KRS) on river Cauvery (Southern India), which is monsoon-dependent...
Stochastic Modeling for Drought Analysis Using Thomas-Fiering Lognormal Three Parameter Model
Three variations of Thomas-Fiering log normal 3-parameter(TFLN3) model are fitted to the unregulated south-west monsoon-dependent monthly streamflows measured at Krishnarajasagara (KRS)...
Variance Estimation of Extreme Flows
The inclusion of historic flood data with gage record data has been shown to reduce the uncertainty in flow estimates. Using numerical integration to quantify that uncertainty is less...
Peaks Over Threshold Model for Seasonal Flood Variations
The peaks over threshold (POT) series model has been used in hydrology to analyse extreme phenomena such as floods or precipitation amounts exceeding a certain threshold level. The results...
Robust Estimators in Hydrologic Frequency Analysis
This paper applies a specific robust estimation procedure known as 'trimming' in flood frequency analysis. The trimming technique consists in censoring the series of recorded floods by...
PMF Estimation for a Sparsely Gaged Watershed
This paper describes a procedure used to determine the design-basis and probable maximum flood (DBF and PMF) for Jiguey Dam located in the Dominican Republic. This dam is situated upstream...
Monongahela River Mapping & Flood Hazard Study
The study described here represents a unique collaboration and cost-sharing effort between two Federal agencies: the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Federal Emergency Management...
Incorporating GIS Technology in Standard Flood Hydrology Applications
The potential for application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to hydrologic analyses has received increasing attention in recent years. Published literature on hydrologic applications...
A GIS Application to Hydrology
This paper illustrates an application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in estimating input parameters for Penn State Runoff Model (PSRM), a watershed rainfall-runoff simulation model....
The Use of Geographic Information Systems and Models on Personal Computer and Workstation Platforms, in the Development of a Wellhead Protection Program, Salinas Valley, California
The Salinas Valley is located on California's Central Coast. The ground water basin supports 850,000,000 M2 of irrigated crops which have a market...
GIS Landscape?A Solution for Wellhead Protection
Wellhead protection is an emerging issue for water suppliers based largely on the 1986 Amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). State governments are developing wellhead...
Uptake of Contaminants by Overland Flow
A mathematical model is developed for the uptake of contaminants by overland flow. The model is based on the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with a two-equation...
Nonpoint Source Pollution Model for Agricultural and Rural Watersheds
A dynamic hydrologic and nonpoint source pollution simulation model for agricultural and rural watersheds; capable of simulating rainfall-runoff, soil erosion, sediment transport, mixing...
Urban Nonpoint Pollution Control Kettering Demonstration Project
The development of effective nonpoint pollution control programs has become one of the most complex challenges facing local and state authorities. Because of the multifarious nature of...
Irrigation, Agrichemicals and the Environmental Impact, the Role of Hydrologic Non-Point Source Models
The importance of pollution loads from agricultural lands and the degradation of soils and water resources has brought about extensive efforts throughout the environmental and agricultural...
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