Infiltration into Thick Unsaturated Alluvial Deposits: A Preliminary Study
An infiltration and dye transport study in an unsaturated alluvial deposit was conducted using a square flooding type infiltrometer over a 50 hour period. Red and blue dyes were added...
Flood Elevation Limits in the Rocky Mountains
An analysis of 77,987 station-years of streamflow-gaging station data from 3,748 stations in the Rocky Mountains indicates that there is a latitude-dependent elevation limit to substantial...
Flood Damage Mitigation Efforts in a Small Mountainous Community in Jamaica
About 60 percent of the mountainous Caribbean island of Jamaica is underlain by karstic limestone. 'Sinkholes' in this limestone form the natural outlets to many surface waters. During...
Travel Time in Mountain Basins
An empirical relationship is developed for estimating travel time in high gradient stream channels with natural beds of large gravel, cobbles and random boulders and which are flowing...
The Use of Residence Time to Describe a Hillslope
Queueing theory has been applied to the determination of Soil Water Residence Time (SWRT) using an 18 year data set. The calculated SWRTs agree qualitatively with the lags exhibited by...
Hydrologic Modelling of Extreme Flood on Small Mountainous Watersheds
Statistical and deterministic methods for extreme flood estimation were applied to Swiss alpine catchments to assess the application limits of each approach. Comparative results produced...
Lessons from Hurricane Andrew's Effects on Hydraulic Structures
Documentation and description of Andrew's effects on open channels and other hydraulic structures in South Dade County, Florida, are presented, based on observations made during field...
Stochastic Generation of Daily Low Flows in Estuaries for Salinity Intrusion Studies
Stochastic data generation technique was used to provide a probabilistic approach to a salinity intrusion/low flow study of an estuary in West Malaysia. The Kemaman River on the east coast...
Linking Hydrologic and Hydraulic Routing Models in Low Relief Basins of South Florida
Combined use of hydrologic and hydraulic routing models to analyze the rainfall-runoff processes during a storm event is a common practice. In this approach, a hydrologic model is employed...
Friction Factors in Coastal Flooding
As the world's coastal zones are being developed and the coastal population increases, coastal flooding, or rather the prediction of its extent and frequency of occurrence, becomes a more...
A Computer System to Operate Coastal Structures
The Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project (C&SF) was designed and built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is operated and maintained by the South Florida Water...
Back to the Unit Hydrograph Method
In this paper, the basic single area unit hydrograph model is shown to represent a highly complex, rational, link-node model which includes (i) variable effective rainfall distributions...
A Potential Problem with Mean Dimensionless Hydrographs at Ungaged Sites
A flood hydrograph for an ungaged stream site can be estimated from a mean dimensionless hydrograph and estimates of instantaneous peak discharge (Q) and total storm runoff volume (V)....
Robust Method to Generate Multiple Unit Hydrographs
When performing a rainfall runoff study, it is sometimes necessary to change the duration of a given unit hydrograph. The instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) provides an ideal tool to...
Estimation and Regionalization Procedures of Nash's Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph
A 'total fit' method is suggested for computing Nash's instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) which minimizes the errors of all ordinates between the observed and generated hydrographs. Previous...
Two-Dimensional Flood Hazard Simulation on Alluvial Fans
The incentive for flood hazard delineation on alluvial fans is development. Drainage plans and flood mitigation design require prediction of flow hydraulics for a range of hyperconcentrated...
Hydraulic Modeling of Alluvial Plains (Slopes) and Alluvial Fans Using DAMBRK
The design of hydraulic structures such as bridges on distributary flow areas and alluvial fans require methods that can adequately determine discharges at the structures. Flow conditions...
Alluvial Fan: Subset Definitions
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Arizona recently completed a study whose goal was to identify and describe four alluvial fans for instrumentation and long-term monitoring....
Flood Assessment at a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Site in Southern Nevada
Flood hazard analysis on alluvial fans using Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) methodology is not limited to the FEMA Alluvial Fan Methodology (AFM). Other FEMA-accepted methods...
Establishment of a Habitat Monitoring Program to Assess Potential Impacts of Diversion of POTW Effluent
As part of the permitting process for a gas-fired power plant, the environmental impacts of diverting POTW effluent from the receiving water for cooling tower makeup was investigated....
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