Computer Systems for Construction Materials Management
Materials management computer systems store, sort, combine and print data files pertaining to materials requisitions, purchase orders, vendor evaluations, and warehouse inventories. The...

SIMSUPER5: Tunneling Construction Simulation
This paper presents SIMSUPER5 (SIMulation SUPERvisor version 5) a computer program developed to simulate the tunnel construction process under conditions of uncertainty. The program determines...

Computerized Construction Cost Estimating in County Government
Prior to establishment of a computerized contruction cost estimating system, four engineering divisions within the Department of Public Works in Fairfax County, Virginia, performed some...

Observations on Future Computerized Construction Research
A National Science Foundation sponsored workshop recently convened at the University of Illinois to help construction industry professionals determine the research needs and opportunities...

Army Life Cycle/Maintenance Prediction Model
The U. S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) has developed a facility maintenance prediction model for the Department of the Army. This simulation model will...

Expert System for Risk Assessment of Concrete Dams
An expert system is presented that will assist a field inspector, during the site investigation of an existing concrete dam, to perform a preliminary structural risk assessment of the...

Expert System Integrity Maintenance for the Retrieval of Data From Engineering Databases
This paper describes a mechanism that enables one to automatically monitor and evaluate engineering design data retrieval. It presents a framework, associated with a relational database...

Expert Systems in Construction Management: Microcomputer Application
Microcomputer based expert systems will assist construction industry by: changing the construction manager's role from day-to-day decision making to strategic planning and...

UNIX: Its Promise and Its Problems
AT&T's computer operating system, UNIX, has long been considered the answer to the transportability, training, and non-uniformity problems of modern computer operating...

Construction Resource Analysis Using Symphony
In 1983, the Air Force was directed to commence engineering design of a small, single warhead ICBM for potential deployent in the early 1990's. As construction agent for the...

Computerized Construction Progress Control
In 1983 and 1984, an exploratory tunnel was constructed as part of the geotechnical exploration program for two highway tunnels to be constructed for interstate 70 through Glenwood Canyon,...

Advanced Microcomputer Simulation for Construction Managers
The concept of simulation allows the analysis of complex and dynamic systems such as those encountered in construction operations. In particular, the technology orientation of construction...

Microcomputer Expert Systems for Welded Construction
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation has developed expert systems including various applications within the field of welded construction. Systems have been developed in the...

The Engineering Workstation at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
The computer group at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill has developed a unique workstation environment which aids both the generation of information in the design phase, as well as the...

A Method for Computerized Site Characterization
Site characterization, the process of evaluating subsurface soil, rock, and groundwater conditions and their impact on project design and construction is a common element in every major...

Selection of Computer System
To buy a system is a major decision undertaken by the user. It has major impact on the financial and the manpower aspect of the company. To enable the user to arrive at a rational decision,...

Management of Microcomputer Systems
This paper is primarily concerned with the day-to-day management of microcomputer-based systems before, during, and after acquisition. Topics covered include areas overlooked by organizations...

An Interactive Model for Project Planning and Scheduling
This paper presents the development and use of an interactive, microcomputer-based model for project planning and scheduling. The model is general enough to handle both deterministic (CPM-based)...

Facing Failures: Alleged or Actual
Every practitioner, in a large or small office, faces the possibility of an accusation of causing, directly or indirectly, a failure. The resulting embarrassment, frustration, regret,...

Quality Assurance in a Large Firm
This paper will describe the formalization of the Quality Assurance Program in a large consulting engineering firm. Although Quality Assurance and Quality Control have been a part of normal...





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