Groundwater Modeling: Selection of Computing Systems
Results are presented for ten microcomputer systems evaluated with respect to system performance in solving a test case three-dimensional groundwater flow problem. The model used was the...

Facing Failures: Alleged or Actual
Every practitioner, in a large or small office, faces the possibility of an accusation of causing, directly or indirectly, a failure. The resulting embarrassment, frustration, regret,...

Quality Assurance in a Large Firm
This paper will describe the formalization of the Quality Assurance Program in a large consulting engineering firm. Although Quality Assurance and Quality Control have been a part of normal...

Failures: Who Did It - How Did It Happen?
The forensic engineer investigates the cause of failures and determines, from an engineering viewpoint, who was responsible for that failure. These failures need not be catastrophic but...

How Do I Find the Information I Needed Yesterday?
One reason that the professional has not been more effective in learning from failures is that the information disseminated has not always reached the right people. The Architecture and...

Westway - The Little Word that Killed the Big Highway
The Westside Highway Project, better known as Westway, received a construction permit on February 25, 1985 from the Army Corps of Engineers. Signed by the author, the permit was invalidated...

Urban/Rural Interactions in Dade County, Florida
Dade County, which contains the City of Miami, is generally urbanized, yet contains pockets of rural and semi-rural areas. These areas are affected by surrounding urbanization, and some...

Federal Role in Waterfront Development
The Federal Government has broad authority and responsibility for waterfront development in the coastal zone and inland waterways. The paper focuses on the Army Corps of Engineers'...

The Middletown (CT) Riverfront Development Plan
Middletown is strategically located on the banks of the Connecticut River in the central part of Connecticut. Middletown has a tradition as a maritime center. During the seventeenth and...

The Charles River Project
The Charles River Project received the 1984 Presidential Award for Design Excellence in Architecture, Engineering, and Urban Planning. Sited between Charlestown and Boston's...

The Changing Configuration of Commercial Ports
The ports of the world are constantly changing. The present day concept of a ship or barge entering a harbor, being unloaded, reloaded and 'sailing' out is not...

The Revitalization of Toledo's Waterfront
This paper traces the revitalization of Toledo's Maumee riverfront through a public/private cooperative effort that has spanned more than a decade. The development and funding...

Waterfront Development: Getting It Started?The Public Sector Role
In comparison with other forms of urban development - by almost any measure you wish to choose - the waterfront is the most difficult and complex area to develop. Despite all of the obstacles,...

Water Use Planning?Boston Harbor
Boston's urban waterfront is at a unique juncture in history. Although the waterfront's historic heavy industrial and transportation uses have all but collapsed,...

Seattle's Central Waterfront
The character and identity of Seattle are based largely on its extensive waterfront areas. The city has approximately 90 miles of shoreline, one of the benefits of possessing a varied...

Norfolk, Virginia Case Study
Through decades of hard work at revitalization, Norfolk has learned from its experience - success and failures. Perhaps the best lesson learned comes from the success of waterfront development...

Waterfront Development in Downtown Jacksonville
The development of the waterfront on the St. Johns River in downtown Jacksonville can best be described as 'putting the right pieces together, in the right place, at the right...

The River Walks of San Antonio Move to Providence
At the historic heart of Providence, Rhode Island, three rivers divide the city into three areas. Nearly one mile of river corridors have been abused over the last century, resulting in...

Reflections on Racine's Rebound
The existing harbor in Racine has approximately 110 acres of water surface bounded on the north and south side by one-half -mile long concrete breakwaters and on the west by the city....

Protecting Resources: Urban Demands on Rural Land
Urban areas place substantial demands on rural land, shaping the ways that land is used. The United States today, unquestionably an urban nation, routinely transports water, energy, and...





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