Environmental Engineering
Over 80 of the papers presented at the 1986 National Convention on Environmental Engineering are included in this book. The major categories covered include air, noise, and radiation management,...

Managing Two Projects as One
The Port of Tacoma completed a new two berth container terminal and intermodal yard for Sea-Land in May 1985, only 26 months after signing a binding agreement. The project, which also...

Record High Rise, Record Low Steel
The Bank of China, under construction in Hong Kong, will be the world's fifth tallest building. In spite of the extraordinary codes for that city�high winds, and high live...

Infrastructure in a Hurry
The City of Austin, Texas has experienced tremendous growth since the early 1970s. Until recently, however, infrastructure development lagged. Now the city is engaged in a $1 billion infrastructure...

Going Afield with Instrumentation
An overview of field measurements and instrumentation in civil engineering is presented. System components are described for the practicing design or construction engineer involved in...

Instant Hydro Forecasting
Two new software programs developed by a San Francisco-based engineering firm determine hydropower potential, best site configuration, and best economics for hydroelectric projects. One...

Structural Optimization Under Conditions of Uncertainty, with Reference to Serviceability and Ultimate Limit States
Probability concepts and methods are rapidly gaining ground in the search for more rational approaches to structural optimization. Under conditions of uncertainty, the risk of unfavorable...

Water Project Design and Safety: Prospects for Use of Risk Analysis in Public Sector Organizations
After offering some initial definitions, the authors will describe a highly structured model of risk analysis and water resources decision making in the public sector. The primary emphasis...

Approaches to Acceptable Risk
Acceptable risk has numerous meanings, that are derived from its having been defined in multiple arenas and by multiple groups. This paper describes several approaches to the question...

The Sociocultural Context of Coping with Risk and Uncertainty
In the context of the present conference, selected points will be underscored about the centrality of risk and uncertainty in contemporary society, aspects of judgment and decision making,...

A System Framework for Engineering Risk Analysis
A mathematical system framework is developed to model a series of criteria called performance indices (PI) related to engineering risk in water resources. Such criteria include reliability,...

The Status of Risk Analysis in Water Resources Engineering
Acceptance of probabilistically based risk-analysis evaluation methods among water resources engineers is rather slow, as it is among other engineering specialities. Academic researchers...

The Risk Factor in Water Resources
Risk is inherent in nature and society, while uncertainty depends on investigations. Decision making in water resources is most often a deterministic selection of dimensions which divide...

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Use of Risk Analysis
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) has been using risk analysis techniques in assessments for management decisions. Before presenting USBR practice and experience, the paper...

Some Perspectives and Philosophies on Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
The authors have selected four perspectives of the water resources decision problem that illustrate how formal risk-based approaches may be applied - an economic perspective, an environmental...

Environmental Considerations in Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
In the hypothetical Royal River Project there are several factors pertaining to environmental issies; these factors have a bearing on selection among the several alternatives and lead,...

Impacts of Risk-Based Analysis on Current Design Practices
A summary of hydrologic design standards used by selected federal agencies for the safety evaluation of dams is presented. A computational procedure is outlined to develop hydrologic design...

The Use of ISMAUT in Determining the Most-Preferred Package of Alternatives
Multiattribute decision analysis serves as a useful model of alternative selection under risk. A specialized form of multiattribute decision analysis assumes that there is only one stage...

A Methodology for Risk-Benefit Analysis of Lock-and-Dam Rehabilitation in the U.S. Corps of Engineers
The U. S. Army Corps Engineers operates and manages some 250 locks and dams in major rivers and ports throughout the U. S. At present, many of these structures are thirty-five to forty-five...

Transportation Infrastructure Information Systems
The current crisis in the nation's transportation infrastructure necessitates the development of innovative data management systems to facilitate and implement analysis algorithms...





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