Geographic Information Systems: A Planning Tool
Geographic Information Systems provide an opportunity for water resource planners to examine potential impacts of proposed plans early in the study process. Conflicts can be identified...

Storage Projection for Reservoir Systems
Two methods are studied for determining the probability distribution of future levels of storage in a reservoir system: transient analysis and Gould's probability matrix method....

Design and Operating Rules for Reservoir Storage to Offset Future Consumptive Use
The Washington Metropolitan Area (WMA) relies largely on the Potomac River for water supply. After many years of study, a coordinated regional operating plan was adopted by the water supply...

Stochastic Modeling of Mean Areal Precipitation for Generating Synthetic Streamflows
Statistical precipitation models used as input to conceptual hydrologic models, offer an alternative mechanism for simulating streamflow. In sparsely gauged catchments, or areas where...

Applications of Spreadsheets in Water Resources
This paper describes two applications of the spreadsheet MULTIPLAN to water resources problems. Applications include statistical analysis of water resources data and design of a stormwater...

Evaluation of Pretreatment and Sludge Disposal Plans
A spreadsheet model is developed to assist municipal managers in evaluating industrial wastewater pretreatment plans and sludge disposal criteria. A case study is presented....

Mathematical Modeling of Ground Water Flow
Many numerical algorithms for ground water flow models have been published and are available in computer software packages. It is the job of the ground water specialist to select an appropriate...

Simulation of Groundwater Flows in Leaky Multi-Layered Aquifer
A newly developed computational methodology for simulating the groundwater flows in multi-layered aquifer is presented. The model is based on the finite element method following the Galerkin's...

Analysis of Unsaturated Flow Beneath a Landfill
Using the linearized theory of flow in unsaturated porous media, a mathematical model was developed to study the distribution and extent of unsaturated flow from a source of infiltration...

Groundwater Models: Converting Research Developments into Practical Applications
One method of bridging the gap between code developer and code applier is through separate user-friendly computer programs called preprocessors that prepare data before execution of the...

Software Authoring for the Rest of Us
Extensive use of high resolution graphics, form-oriented full screen data entry, and contextual help messages have proven to be an effective means of structuring the dialogue between the...

Understanding Land and Water Resource Systems Aided by Graphics on Microcomputers
The inadequate appreciation of relations between causes of contamination and their occurrence applies to professional as well as lay individuals. Therefore, a great deal of effort is invested...

Analysis of Drinking Water Systems: A Spatial Approach
This paper describes recent examples of spatial analyses as (1) a unifying concept for allocation of costs to various elements of water treatment and delivery; (2) a link and node (Network)...

Water Quantity Management for a River Regulating Agency
A river reservoir operations model (RROM) was developed to assist the Hudson River-Black River Regulating District manage flows in the Upper Hudson River Basin. The purpose of the RROM...

Computer-Aided Drought Operations
A simulated drought operations exercise is conducted annually in the Washington, D. C. area. Local water supply utilities work with the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin...

Reliability of Urban Water Supply Reservoir System
Assessment of the reliability, or risk of failure, of water supply reservoirs is dependent on several factors including reservoir volume, probability of dam failure and drought inflows....

dBase III, Micros and Water Resource Management
The Brazos River authority is an agency of the State of Texas created to conserve and develop the surface waters of the Brazos River Basin. The Authority has initiated a project to introduce...

Modeling Contaminant Fate and Transport in Ground Water Systems
Determination of the fate and transport of contaminants in subsurface environments has been aided by recent advances in our understanding of ground water hydrodynamics and subsurface solute...

Modeling of Microbially Active Soil Columns
A soil-based microbial treatment process for on-site treatement of hazardous industrial wastewaters has been developed. The indigenous microflora of the soil are supplemented by the addition...

Two Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Subsurface Contamination by Organic Compounds - A Multiple Approach
In recent years, much attention has been focused on the migration of the soluble portion of an organic contaminant in groundwater systems. Little work, however, has been directed towards...





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