Performance of Highway Traffic Barriers
This paper describes an investigation of traffic barrier performance in New York State. A one-year sample of all traffic-barrier accidents in the state was obtained from Department of...

Transitioning End Terminal A TRENDtm for the Future
The highway engineer frequently starts from a position where an identified highway element is causing serious injuries or fatalities to motorists on the nation's highways....

End Treatments for Deep Beam Highway Guardrail
End treatments on highway guardrail serve two functions: (1) to make the end safe in case of an impact there, and (2) to provide anchorage in case of an impact adjacent to the end. Two...

Hazardous Events After Redirectional Collisions
The potential for hazardous events occurring to vehicle occupants after a redirection from a longitudinal barrier has not been adequately addressed. Very few studies are available which...

Occupant Risk in Longitudinal Barrier Collisions
The following paper presents data derived from sled test experiments, full-scale vehicle crash tests as well as an in-depth analysis of accident data which suggest that occupants are not...

Manpower Planning for Construction Administration
Manpower planning is an important aspect of any organization, but is particularly difficult in an activity subject to as many variables as highway construction. This paper outlines a process...

Traffic Barriers: A Second Chance
More motorists are killed each year after striking traffic barriers than any other fixed object except utility poles and trees. These deaths occur primarily because the guardrail or bridge...

Enhancing Highway Safety Through 3R Construction
The safety improvement programs specifically aimed at correcting high accident locations (HALs) are certainly helpful. These programs have resulted in sizeable frequency as well as severity...

Non-Freeway Programwide 3R Accident Analysis: New York
The New York Program for restoration, rehabilitation and resurfacing (3R's) has relied on broad scoped projects and case-by-case consideration of exceptions to design standards...

Assessment of Safety Impacts of Highway Projects
In this paper the safety impact of highway improvement and maintenance activities is examined in terms of accident reduction potentials of these activities. There are three causes of accident:...

RRR Design Standards: Cost-Effectiveness Issues
The Transportation Research Board study of geometric design standards for RRR projects is currently trying to match the logic of cost-effectiveness to the mostly judgmental process of...

Delineation Effectiveness for Alcohol Involved Accidents
The approach to the problem of the alcohol impaired drivers to date has been directed at driver education and increased police enforcement. A complementary and parallel approach is presented...

Sighting Safety
This paper examines the interrelation between drivers' visual needs and the road environment. Specific elements of visual limitation and drivers at greatest risk are identified....

An Analysis of Traffic Signal Safety Improvements
Identifying high accident rate locations and determining that they have an overrepresented type or pattern of accidents is an important first step in the safety improvement process. However,...

Location and Development of Safety Projects
Projects to be considered for inclusion in the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) must be part of a prioritized listing in which each project is based on accident experience or...

Evaluation?A Key to Safer Design Standards
Public highways are designed and constructed in accordance with established standards which have been developed over the years as a result of research studies or developed by committees...

Back on a Full Speed Track
A $30 million rehabilitation project is transforming a Massachusetts rail line that shows its age and poor maintenance history. Rehabilitating the line from Bristol County, Mass. to Hyannis...

Explosion Hazards to Urban Structures
Manufacture, storage and transportation of chemicals capable of exploding at energy levels comparable to TNT has increased in recent years. Land areas adjoining such facilities and transportation...

Port Master Plans and Feasibility Studies
Port projects are cost-intensive long-life irreversible assets, and developing countries particularly limping with resource constraints could not afford the luxury of short-sighted defective...

The Application of Computer Simulation in the Design of Marine Terminals and the Scheduling of Ship Traffic
This paper describes a software package which simulates the operations of marine terminals. The computer programs were designed to assess the effectiveness of the available design alternatives...





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