Sedimentation of Lakes and Reservoirs in Illinois
A generalized analysis of lake sedimentation rates in Illinois provides a representative 'window' on sedimentation rates of midwestern lakes located in humid...

Depleted Uranium Migration in Stream Bedload Environment
The objective of this paper is to present results of a comprehensive hydrologic transport study, designed to assess potential surface water contamination, resulting from the release of...

Controlled-Drainage Supplements Subirrigation in Humid Regions
A computer simulation was conducted using climate and soil conditions of the humid southern U. S. to demonstrate optional operating methods for dual controlled-subdrainage/subirrigation...

Improving Drainage with Laser Controlled Land Grading in the Red River Valley of the North
This paper evaluates a laser controlled land grading project in the Red River Valley of the North. Graded fields are compared with ungraded fields to measure changes in dryland crop yields...

Evaluation of Water Quality from a Drainage-Subirrigation System in Georgia
Nitrate-N, Ammonium-N and Phosphate-P concentrations were measured from shallow subsurface wells and outlets of a drainage-subirrigation system in the Georgia flatwoods for comparison...

Choices Between Micro and Mainframe Computers
The explosion of microcomputers (PCs) has shifted a great amount of engineering computing from mainframes to micros. It has also shifted a lot of programming from FORTRAN to BASIC. This...

Models of Border Irrigation for Flat Clayey Soils
Border irrigation is widely used for irrigating pastures in south-east Australia. Inadequate earthworks, design and operation of irrigation layouts have been major causes of waterlogging...

Reducing Maintenance Costs of Irrigation Systems
Reducing the costs of maintaining an irrigation water delivery system is becoming more important as the financial problems of the irrigators become more critical. The maintenance costs...

Sprinkler Erosion Model
The Soil Conservation Service has developed a model to evaluate the effect of various sprinkler irrigation systems with associated agronomic practices. Many researchers have dealt with...

Delivery System Management Via Dynamic Programming
Management of irrigation water delivery systems may involve allocating limited water supplies over both time and space under uncertain future demands. The physical delivery systems are...

Interactive Surface Irrigation Design and Evaluation Software
This paper outlines the features and capabilities of a comprehensive personal computer software system for use by irrigation engineers in design and evaluation of continuous and surge...

A Simulation Procedure for On-Farm Irrigation Systems Planning
A simulation modeling package has been developed for modeling on-farm irrigation water supply and application systems. The modeling package can consider up to 6 different application systems...

Thermodynamic Factors in Evapotranspiration
Many of the methods discussed in this paper are refinements of procedures presented in the report 'Consumptive Use of Water and Irrigation Water Requirements'...

Effective Precipitation in Irrigation Design and Management
Effective precipitation is important in irrigation system design and operation. Numerous methods for estimating effective precipitation have been proposed in the past, including direct...

Shallow Groundwater Reuse in Alfalfa Irrigation
Two shallow groundwater reuse options in alfalfa irrigation are examined. Alfalfa water use from the water table is investigated using a drainage component model. It is shown that alfalfa...

On-Farm Management Alternatives to Reduce Subsurface Drainage in the San Joaquin Valley, California?Constraints to Implementation
The most cost effective approach for mitigating the drainage problem is incorporating on-farm management practices that reduce percolation and seepage losses to the shallow groundwater...

Subsurface Drainage System for the Klamath Project
The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation's Klamath Project was authorized in 1905 for irrigation purposes. A subsurface drainage system was constructed in the public lands within the...

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation: How Irrigation Projects are Sized
The objective of this study was to review the methods presently used by the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau) to estimate the water requirements for...

The Relationship of Benefits to System Size for Irrigation Projects
This paper presents a generalized linear programming (LP) and farm budget model for optimization of on-farm irrigation benefits resulting from variations in irrigation project size. The...

Considerations for Sizing Water Delivery Systems
The purpose of a water delivery system is to deliver irrigation water to a farm and its design should be based on meeting the requirements of farm water use. The rate, duration and frequency...





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