The Expected Condition of Spent LWR Fuel on Delivery to a Repository
The condition of spent fuel on delivery to a repository is affected by its service in the reactor and by the postirradiation activities including wet and dry storage; fuel examination,...

Requirements and Concept for an On-Orbit Construction Facility for Phase 1 Space Station Freedom
Future NASA plans for exploring the solar system and programs such as the Large Deployable Reflector and Pathfinder require in-space construction for their success. The technologies required...

Post-MECO Propulsion System Requirements for Placement of an STS External Tank in Low Earth Orbit
This paper discusses the findings of a series of computer simulations carried out at the National Institute of Standards and Technology to investigate the requirements for powered flight...

Site Constraints for a Lunar Base
A rigorous site plan is a prerequisite for quantitative analyses of lunar base operations. The development of such a site plan, done for a detailed lunar base study (RLSO, 89), is described...

Lunar Base Elements Designed for Robotic Operations
Equipment concepts developed for a study of robotic lunar surface operations are presented. The concepts were evolved together with a consistent robotic buildup and operations scenario;...

Manifesting for a Lunar Robotic, Oxygen-Producing Base
Using robotic systems and human supervisory control, a lunar base reasonably be established to achieve full production within five years. Intermittent human presence works in coordination...

Lunar Base Power Requirements, Options & Growth
A preliminary study of lunar base scenarios and associated power requirements has recently been completed. Minimum power levels of 50-100 kW are required for 'science-only'...

Wastewater Balance for Storage Pond at Land Treatment Site
Land application is an established method for treating municipal wastewater in the United States. Most land application operations include on-site facilities to store wastewater during...

Using Corps of Engineers' Reservoirs for Water Supply
This paper provides an historical overview of the Corps of Engineers (COE) authority in the water supply arena and discusses the methodologies and procedures used to reallocate storage...

Water for Houston: The Wallisville Case
The multipurpose Wallisville project included an industrial water supply for Houston. The project was nearly 70 percent complete when environmentalists succeeded in stopping construction...

Site Specific Hydrological Model for Permaculture Application
This paper presents results of a study conducted on a small pond and watershed in Waterbury, Connecticut. The Soil Conservation Service method presented in Technical Release #55 (TR 55),...

Microcomputer Tools for the Management of a Multiple Reservoir Water Supply System
In a Raw Water Management Plan study performed for the City of Newport News Waterworks, Camp Dresser & McKee developed a series of micro-computer programs that allow the City to...

Storage Reallocation Evaluation for Reservoir System
Reservoir storage capacity is allocated to various purposes prior to project construction. However, changing needs and conditions may warrant later conversion of storage capacity from...

The Market Value of Water in the Ogallala Aquifer as Implied by Recent Farm Sales
As indicated by farm sales in the Ogallala region, the value of water in the Ogallala Aquifer has fallen. Market values have declined by 30 to 60%, following the recent downward trends...

Reservoir Operations by Fuzzy Goal Programming
The reservoir operations problem is composed of obtaining optimal releases, and storages of a reservoir and downstream reach routed flows based on forecasted inflows and precipitation....

Using an Index Stream to Make Instream Flow Decisions
The paper discusses development of an Integrated Operating Plan (IOP) that uses an unregulated (natural) stream in the upper Cedar basin as an index of overall hydrologic status of the...

Estimating Lake Inflows for Storage by Linear Programming
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) recently completed a Water Management Plan for the lower Colorado River Basin in Texas. In developing the Plan, a daily river flow routing procedure,...

Applications of Probability Matrix Methods for Texas Reservoirs
Probability matrix methods are a class of procedures which were generally developed from P.A.P. Moran's Theory of Storage. In essence, probability matrix methods are a means...

Government Cooperation in Water Resources Planning and Management
The California State Legislators have shown real concern in trying to do something about the clearly identified water shortage. Many bills and funding programs have been proposed to encourage...

Application of a Water Budget for Instream Flows
A portion of a water supply reservoir can be dedicated to supplying instream flows. This subreservoir is operated to provide instream fish habitat below the reservoir when releases to...





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