Space: A Place to Work
An overview of the nation's space program as space shuttle capability nears reality. The cargo truck aspects of the shuttle will transform our efforts in space. In the near...

Building Skyscrapers in Orbit
NASA plans to build a host of large structures (communications antennas, remote-sensing radiometers, solar power satellites, etc.) in space. Three ways to build them are: (1)Fabricate...

Facelifting City Streets
Augusta, Georgia rebuilt a four-block, 10-acre section of the main street (Broad Street) to improve traffic flow, beautify the street, provide safe, efficient and convenient parking and...

Repair and Strengthening of Old Steel Truss Bridges
During the early 1900's, numerous pin jointed steel bridge trusses were constructed throughout the United States. In the intervening years, these trusses were replaced by...

Intermediate Service Levels in Water Distribution
This paper is concerned with design standards for secondary water distribution networks. Based on field studies in the Middle East and Africa, mathematical equations were developed for...

Chevrolet Raises the Roof
Chevrolet's Gear and Axle plants in Detroit needed more space so a decision to renovate the 60-yr old structures rather than relocate the operation was made. New roof structures...

Drexel Students Build Space Frame as Senior Project
Drexel University's geodesic tri-span is an open-air monumental structure conceived, designed, fabricated and constructed by a group of senior civil engineering students to...

Germany, Belgium and Los Angeles have Mandatory Design Review for Major Structures
The report of the engineering investigation into the causes of the collapse of the Hartford Coliseum space truss cited design deficiencies as the cause of failure. That report also says...

King Post Truss System Cuts Roof Framing Cost by 30%
The design was based on requirements for minimally obstructed sight lines (Robin Hood Dell Open-Air Theater, Philadelphia, Pa.) for outdoor seating and a tight construction budget of $4,500,000....

Railroads, Truss Bridges and the Rise of the Civil Engineer
The huge growth of the railroads during the nineteenth century was the direct result of herculean efforts on the part of civil engineers. Likewise, the development of the civil engineering...

Sewering the City of New York
The establishment of a centralized sewerage agency in 1963 has enabled the development of a program to upgrade and augment New York City's sewer system to meet the vital life...

Kansas City Bank Tower Features Water-Filled Columns, Exposed Spandrels
In this first article in a series on recent innovations in structural steel design, the spotlight is on the 20-story Mercantile Bank Tower in Kansas City. This structure features several...

University of Idaho Barrel-Arch Roof Wins Outstanding Structural Engineering Award
The world's longest span wood structure now covers the football stadium at the Univ. of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. The trussed arch consists of an upper and lower wood deck connected...

Plastic Tower Solves Radar Interference
A new nonmetallic tower section has been designed to eliminate major rador interference problems caused by a steel Radar Microwave Link tower. The replacement section is composed of a...

Civil Engineering History Gives Valuable Lessons
Many students, and others, feel the study of engineering history is a frill. Not so, this article suggests. A study of the past can give an engineer better ideas on how to solve a new...

Washington Metro Access Facilities
The 98 mi (158 km) Metro system will have 82 stations. There will be an off-street bus terminal at 54 of the stations with an average of six modified saw-tooth off-street bus bays at each...

Engineering the First Mass Transit Tramway
Aerial tramways are not normally considered for a cross-town mass transit system. They are no longer limited to the ski resorts since construction of the link between Manhattan Island...

Summary Report on the Use of Underground Space to Achieve National Goals
This program is a summary of a 355-page report describing a program for improving the effectiveness of underground construction. The report evaluates the potential benefits that can accrue...

The Use of Underground Space to Achieve national Goals
The basic purpose of this study was to identify opportunities for advancing national goals and overcoming urgent problems through increased use of underground construction. A long range...

Second Space Age Facilities Conference
Proceedings of the Aero Space Transport Division Specialty Conference held in Los Angeles, California, April 24-26, 1968. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Second...





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