Design of Underpinning Piles to Reduce Settlements
Piles are frequently used to underpin structures which have suffered, or are expected to suffer, damage due to excessive settlement or differential settlement. However, existing methods...

Nonlinear Three Dimensional Analysis of Downdrag on Pile Groups
The downdrag on pile groups was investigated by using a numerical analysis and an analytical study. The emphasis was on quantifying the reduction of downdrag on piles in a group due to...

Load-Settlement Prediction of Footings on Steep Slopes
The use of spread footings on slopes is a common practice in the design of bridge foundations. Footings are generally constructed in the slope or at its crest to minimize the bridge length,...

Probabilistic Observation Method for Settlement-Based Design of a Landfill Cover
Uncertainties in subsurface conditions make predicting total and differential settlement a difficult task. The Observation Method, which is commonly implemented to acquire additional knowledge...

Tolerable Deformations
Current criteria for tolerable movements of buildings, bridges and other structures are reviewed. Tolerable values of total and differential settlement, relative rotation, relative deflection...

Settlement Analysis for 450 Meter Tall KLCC Towers
The site evaluation and settlement analysis performed for the two tallest buildings in the world currently under construction, are described. The site evaluation resulted in shifting building...

Effect of Roughness and Thickness of Biofilms on External Mass Transfer Resistance
The effect of roughness and thickness of biofilms on the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration boundary layer thickness (DO CBLT) and the external mass transfer process in a biofilm system...

Hydrodynamic Forces in Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basins
The knowledge of hydrodynamic forces acting on hydraulic jump stilling basin slabs has been a research topic for the past four decades. Published methodologies for computing the hydrodynamic...

Ultimate Depth of Scour Around Bridge Piers
A design equation for estimating ultimate depth of local scour at bridge piers has been proposed which is based upon the envelope curves drawn to published field data covering a wide range...

Bridge Pier Scour Equations - An Assessment
A comparative assessment of various bridge pier scour equations has been reported on the basis of analyzing a set of published prototype data from Indian rivers and other countries covering...

Probable Maximum Flood Estimation for New and Existing Dams
Although various attempts have been made to streamline the procedures to determine PMF hydrographs for the design of new and rehabilitation of existing dams, there still remains a great...

HEC River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is developing next generation software for one-dimensional river hydraulics. The HEC-RAS River Analysis System (HEC, 1994) is intended to be the...

Hydraulic Design of Spillway Plunge Pool Linings
The design of plunge pools for high head spillways with flip bucket terminal structures often requires a detailed examination of the stability of the resulting scour hole in the river...

Revised Hydraulic Design of the Rio Hondo Flood Control Channel
The US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles has completed a major review study of the Los Angeles County Drainage Area (US Army, 1992) and has determined that the existing flood control...

Design Considerations for Use of Wedge Wire Screens at Surface Water Intake Structures
This paper provides the suggested guidelines for design, construction, operation and maintenance of wedge-shaped wire cylindrical screens used for aquatic biota and trash and debris screening...

An Improved Design of Fishways Under High Variation of Headwater
For the purpose of mitigating environmental impact, it is necessary to build fish passing facilities for fish migration when a dam is constructed on a river. But when the headwater variation...

Hydraulic Model Studies of Recessed Curb Inlets and Bridge Drains
A large hydraulic model (64 ft long by 10.5 ft wide) was used to test several geometries of recessed curb inlets and three types of bridge drains. Testing was at 3/4 scale for the recessed...

Steep Constructed Stream Channels and Chutes
Research and technology transfer needs are described for steep stream channels and chutes. Iterative processes are presented for design and construction of bouldery channels and chutes...

Design of Manning's-Rougness-Coefficient Study in New York State
Field-collected hydraulic data can be used to compute roughness coefficients for channels with different hydraulic characteristics. Suggested criteria for the design of a roughness-coefficient...

At-A-Site Mountain River Flow Resistance Variation
At-a-site variation in flow resistance is examined in the light of observations of an S-shaped velocity profile at relative submergences (d/D84)...





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