Design of Large Capacity Coal Silos for Service Life
Design and construction of Large Capacity Coal Silos for service life requires a careful consideration of the silo configuration as well as the material handling system. This paper presents...

Improved Corrosion Protection for Flue Gas Systems Utilizing a Dual Liner Concept
A unique system of corrosion resistant materials has shown excellent performance and durability in flue gas systems for fossil plants, cogeneration plants, waste incinerators and waste-to-energy...

Containment Capacity and Failure Modes Beyond Design Basis Conditions
Analytical and experimental studies have shown that containments can at least sustain two to three times design pressures. Under the severe accident overpressure loading, experimental...

Wind Frame Design for Mid Rise Buildings
A brief discussion of drift limits is followed by design procedures for unbraced moment resisting wind frames and initial selection of optimized member sizes for chevron bracing frames....

Approximate Preliminary Methods for Design of Lateral Load Resisting Systems in High Rise Buildings
A new group of optimization programs uses the speed and power of modern computers to eliminate the need for guessing preliminary sizes. Starting with any arbitrary sizes and a fixed geometry,...

High-Capacity, High-Strength Trailer Designs for the GA-4/GA-9 Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing final designs for two dedicated legal-weight trailers to transport the GA-4 and GA-9 Spent-Fuel Casks. The basic designs for these high-capacity, high-strength...

Multiple Event Considerations for Postclosure Seismic Hazard Evaluations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Postclosure waste canister design requirements suggest the values used for seismic design have less than a 10% chance of being exceeded in a 1,000 year postclosure period. Considerably...

Predicted Thermal and Stress Environments in the Vicinity of Repository Openings
An understanding of the thermal and stress environment in the vicinity of repository openings is important for preclosure performance considerations and worker health and safety considerations...

Field Investigations for Seismic Effects on Mechanical and Geohydrologic Response of Underground Structures in Jointed Rock
An exploratory Seismic Rock Mechanics research program has been initiated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA) to study...

Regulatory Requirements and Long-Term Repository Host Rock Performance
The regulatory requirements governing the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in mined geologic repositories acknowledge the long-lived nature of the wastes and require the consideration...

Potential Uses of Lead in Nuclear Waste Disposal
In order for lead to be considered as a nuclear waste packaging material, it must be shown that it has adequate corrosion resistance, and that it does not degrade the properties of other...

GA-4/GA-9 Honeycomb Impact Limiter Tests and Analytical Model
General Atomics (GA) has a test program underway to obtain data on the behavior of a honeycomb impact limiter. The program includes testing of small samples to obtain basic information,...

Modelling of Excavation, Thermal Loading and Bentonite Swelling Pressure for a Waste Repository
For the performance assessment of a future nuclear waste repository, the excavation of the tunnel and deposition hole, thermal loading from waste heat release and the swelling pressure...

The Radiological Capacity of Transport Casks Loaded in a 2-Region Non-Uniform Pattern
The radiological capacity of spent fuel storage and transport casks can be increased by the use of non-uniform cask loading. There are many possible combinations of spent fuel burnup and...

Accurate Response Analysis of Seismic Distributed Mass Systems
A dynamic analysis technique of distributed mass structures is presented with a combination of the dynamic load factor approach and the dynamic stiffness matrix method. The dynamic stiffness...

An Electronic Specification for the Earthquake Resistance Design of the Highway Bridges in Pennsylvania
An interactive C program for the seismic design of highway bridges in the state of Pennsylvania is described in this paper. The program was developed in C language on a personal computer....

Computer Implementation of Seismic Building Codes
The objective of this work is to implement the provisions of building codes current in the U.S. as well as those of other countries for the seismic resistant design of buildings. The work...

Buckling Optimization of Laminate Stacking Sequence with Strain Constraints
An integer programming formulation for the design of symmetric and balanced composite laminates subject to buckling and strain constraints is presented. The design variables that define...

Structural Optimization to Limit Natural Periods
It is necessary to limit the natural periods of some structures to control their response to dynamic loads. Floor systems with natural periods greater than approximately 0.15 seconds may...

Stiffness Optimization Methods for Lateral Systems of Buildings: A Theoretical Basis
The sizing of the members of the lateral resistance system for multi-story buildings is often controlled by stiffness requirements. In order to achieve economical buildings, it is important...





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