Infrastructure: Money and Methods
State and local governments have started to cope with their infrastructure problems by passing bond issues, establishing infrastructure banks to centralize resources and decision making,...

Placing of Impermeable Underwater Membranes
An impermeable underwater membrane has been applied successfully in the construction of a lowered road section in the Netherlands. In this paper the construction technique is discussed...

Instruments Detect Dam Movement During Construction
Recent attention has been given to retrofitting electrical generation facilities at existing dams. Maintaining a safe structure during construction, and accomplishing this within a budget...

Professional Inspection of Construction
The Nation's deteriorating infrastructure is finally receiving the attention it deserves. As a result of this attention, a 5? per gallon gasoline tax has been passed. This...

Research Needs Related to the Nation's Infrastructure
The engineering community, which designs and constructs infrastructure facilities, must look for innovative ways to do a more efficient job. Although some research has focused on problems...

Infrastructure Crisis: What the Media Are Saying
In the past year and a half the national media have performed the major role in spreading the word that the nation's public works, particularly in urban areas, have been neglected...

U.S. Bridges: The Bias Towards Mediocrity
This article contends that in this century the United States has lost its leadership in bridge design and explores reasons why this came to be. Comparative examples of various bridge types...

Public Works and Unemployment: A Panel Discussion
In March 1983, Civil Engineering�ASCE and the Urban Institute cosponsored a panel discussion in Washington, D.C. bringing together leading...

Proposition 13: Impact on California Public Works
The effect of proposition 13, which was passed in California in June 1978, has hurt the ability of local governments in the state to raise funds to construct new infrastructure and maintain...

Highway Projects -- Can They Be Done in Half the Time?
Delays in highway construction projects result from time-consuming federal and state review procedures, public opposition and funding restrictions. The majority of delays in highway projects...

In Search of Ancient Engineers
Many examples of pre-Columbian civil works have been uncovered in North and South America. Some reflect well-organized technologies comparable to those of the Old World of the same time...

Ice and Snow Utilization in Cold Regions Construction
An overview of requirements is presented for the planning, design, and construction of roads, pads, and airfields using water, ice and snow as construction materials. Practical guidelines...

The Civil Engineer and the Decay of America's Infrastructure
With the infrastructure of the United States continuing to deteriorate, the problem becomes who will decide how much to spend in both repairing, maintaining and building new facilities...

Heavy Timber Structures and Bridges
Development and application of treated glued-laminated timber is a landmark event in structural engineering history. The inertia of this event has produced continued, rapid and dramatic...

Journal of Transportation Engineering
The Journal of Transportation Engineering contains technical and professional articles on the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of air, highway, rail, and urban transportation,...

Landmark Projects of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Excerpts are discussed from major papers to be presented at the March 1982 Construction Equipment and Techniques for the Eighties Specialty Conference to be held at Purdue University....

Causes and Preventions of Lamellar Tearing: Engineer's Notebook
Within the past 10 years, a steel cracking problem, lamellar tearing, has arisen after welding of thicker sections and higher-strength steels. A separation underlying a weld joining plate...

Knoxville's Junction Functions
The urban highway system in Knoxville was originally built as a local expressway in the early 1950's. It was designed to significantly lower standards than Interstate and...

The Infrastructure Problem and the Role of the Civil Engineer
It is civil engineers who design, build, and maintain the nation's infrastructure. Along with public works officials who manage the urban infrastructure, the civil engineer...

Salvaging Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio has suffered from shrinking inner-city wealth resulting in reduced budgets for its urban infrastructure. Now, led by the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, the city...





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