Comparing Flood Stage-Discharge Data?Be Careful!
A long term stage-discharge record is extremely valuable data. However, simplified applications of long term records to draw sweeping conclusions about man's effects should be avoided,...

APM System Performance and Guideway Design Parameters
Automated People Movers (APM) are a relatively new form of transportation system becoming popular over the last twenty to twenty-five years. They are characterized by fully automatic and...

Standardization of AGT Systems in Japan
Automated guideway transit systems (AGT) have been developped by different private firms in Japan, and therefore, the system components and dimensions are somewhat diversified. Such diversity...

Lille DPM System & VAL Family
This document provides a brief description of the different steps from the beginning to the total completion of the Lille downtown people mover (DPM) program in France. The system performance...

Development and First In-Service Use of Automatic People Movers in the Federal Republic of Germany, with Special Reference to the Magnetic Levitation System M-Bahn
People movers have been under development for the past 14 years in the Federal Republic of Germany. Of the four systems developed, two have been put into service. One of the two successful...

Emerging Technology?A Solution to Airport Access Problems
This paper reviews airports which presently have employed people movers, the problems they are solving, and potential use for solving access problems and create added value for the investment...

Brazil's Innovation in APM Technology
The paper discusses an automated people mover (APM) called an Aeromovel which consists of pneumatically-controlled vehicles weighing less than 20,000 pounds with a capacity of 300 passengers....

Unique Features of Automated People Mover Systems
This paper identifies the characteristics and unique features of the automated transit system presently being installed in the central business district of Detroit, Michigan. This system...

Detroit's DPM Maintenance and Control Facility
The Maintenance and Control Facility (MCF), a single building complex for the Detroit Downtown People Mover (DPM) system, incorporates the people mover system's transit vehicle...

Notes on Statistics of Failures of Constructed Works
This paper is concerned with both catastrophic and sub-catastrophic failures, which may be categorized into three types: Safety (type S), Functional (type F), and Ancillary (type A). Often...

Failure Statistics Categorized by Cause and Generic Class
Failures can be classified into the three categories, ie. , SAFETY, FUNCTIONAL, and ANCILLARY. Within the causation definition, failures fall into five general areas: DESIGN DEFICIENCIES;...

Project Administration
The paper discusses the vital issues involved for the efficient administration of a construction contract: effective communication, field office staffing, long lead procurement of equipment,...

Hazardous Waste Cleanup: The Preliminaries
Court-ordered negotiations rather than a trial took five years but led to a flexible plan for cleaning up an inactive hazardous waste disposal site in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Contamination...

Low Cement Content High Strength Concrete
The fundamental objective of this research project was to develop mix design information for structural grade concrete using high fly ash content. The fly ash used in this project was...

Advances in High Strength Concrete,
The technology for producing field placeable concrete with a 28 day compressive strength of 10,000 psi has been available for many years. With the recent use of microsilica as an additive...

The Group Approach to Implementing Micro Systems
This paper highlights a nearly three year effort to implement microcomputer information systems on 16 small and medium sized transit properties in Wisconsin using a 'group...

The Transit Industry Microcomputer Exchange Support Center
The Transit Industry Microcomputer Exchange Support Center has been in existence for nearly three years. This paper describes the reasons for establishing the center, its current activities,...

Implementing a Maintenance Program in Wisconsin
A vehicle maintenance and parts inventory control microcomputer package was developed and implemented for thirteen small transit properties as a part of the Statewide Microcomputer Implementation...

Automated Maintenance at Mendocino Transit
The Mendocino Transit Authority has been using the Fleet Controller, a vehicle maintenance cost control micro-computer program, for nearly a year. This paper describes the set-up and daily...

Applying the Bus Garage Space Requirements Model
The Bus Garage Space Requirements Model (BBARN) is a computer-based model developed by the author to generate a detailed space program for an office/bus maintenance facility. BBARN provides...





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