A Mathematical Model of Flow in Mildly Sinuous, Deep Channels
A mathematical study of flow in deep, weakly-meandering channels has been carried out and formulations for the tangential and radial velocities, valid in conditions have been developed....

Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling with a Computer Graphics System
For more than a decade various divisions and district offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have been active in the development of graphic information system databases and computer...

Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Compound Channel Flow
The unsteady open channel flow equations describing conservation of mass and momentum (St. Venant equations) are integrated numerically to determine the depth of flow and the rate of discharge...

Assessment and Prediction of Debris-flow Hazards
Study of debris-flow geomorphology and initiation mechanism has led to better understanding of debris-flow processes. This paper reviews how this understanding is used in current techniques...

Research Needs for Debris Flow Disaster Prevention
A 'soft' disaster reduction strategy is proposed based on identification of hazard location, extent and maximum intensity; monitoring of antecedent catchment moisture, sediment and vegetation...

Debris Flows in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: Magnitude, Frequency and Effects on the Colorado River
Debris flows are recurrent sediment-transport processes in 525 tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Arizona. Initiated by slope failures in bedrock and (or) colluvium during...

Debris Flows and Mass Wasting in Volcanic Torrents
Observation of debris flow and topographic survey for mass wasting in the volcanic torrents clarified that (1) mass wasting processes such as rock fall from the side-wall and toppling...

Interpreting Debris-Flow Hazard from Study of Fan Morphology
The deposits, stratigraphy, and surface morphology of debris-flow fans are a record of past debris-flow activity, and as such can provide useful information about debris-flow hazards....

Flow Resistance Properties of Flexible Linings
Flow resistance for flexible channel linings is a function of the relative roughness of the lining in accordance with boundary-layer principles. As with vegetation, flexible linings have...

Determination of Hydraulic Roughness for Concrete-Lined, Supercritical Channels
A channel verification program has been initiated by the US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles to determine the hydraulic roughness of flow in a concrete channel. Specifically, this study...

Mechanics of Debris Flows
The paper deals with the mechanics aspects of the modelling of debris flows and will focus on steady, fully developed flows. After a brief review of the types of constitutive equations...

Kenetic-theory Approach to the Nevado Del Ruiz 1985 Debris Flow
The Nevado del Ruiz 1985 debris flow was the worst disaster of its kind in this century, killing 22,000 people. By making an idealization of the debris flow material and the flow regime,...

Continuum-Mechanics-Based Rheological Formulation for Debris Flow
This paper aims to assess the validity of the generalized viscoplastic fluid (GVF) model in the light of both the classical relative-viscosity versus concentration relation and the dimensionless...

Modeling Low Flow Transport of Nonconservative Pollutants in Streams
The complex nature of low flow transport and transformation of nonconservative pollutants in natural streams has been investigated using a numerical solution of a proposed mathematical...

Prediction of Filtrate Turbidity by Parameter Estimation
In order to operate the rapid sand filter in response to the time variation of effluent quality, a model and a procedure to predict the filtrate quality of rapid sand filters have been...

Repeatability and Oblique Flow Response Characteristics of Current Meters
Laboratory investigation into the precision and accuracy of various mechanical-current meters are presented. Horizontal-axis and vertical-axis meters that are used for the measurement...

Bed Shear Stress in Unsteady Open-Channel Flows
In this study, velocity distributions over smooth and rough beds were accurately measured with an LDA in unsteady open-channel flows. The log-law distributions yielded well in the wall...

Limitations of Reduced Scale Testing on Parshall Flumes
A model for the boundary layer development in the entrance section of a Parshall flume is developed to account for the effects of fluid viscosity on flume calibration equations. Data for...

Water-Level, Velocity, and Dye Measurements in the Chicago Tunnels
On April 13, 1992, a section of a 100-year-old underground freight tunnel in downtown Chicago, Illinois was breached where the tunnel crosses under the Chicago River, about 15 meters below...

Variation of Froude Number with Discharge for Large-Gradient Streams
Under chemical-control conditions, the Froude number (f) for a cross-section can be approximated as a function of the ratio R2/ 3/d...





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