dBase III, Micros and Water Resource Management
The Brazos River authority is an agency of the State of Texas created to conserve and develop the surface waters of the Brazos River Basin. The Authority has initiated a project to introduce...

Integrated Knowledge-Based Software for Flood and Water Pollution Management
The authors' aim is to develop a comprehensive city-wide system to control both flooding and pollution. This system provides information on the sewer system with regard to:...

Models for Lake and River Basin Analysis
This tutorial describes basic concepts, purposes and issues of mathematical models for lakes and river basins. Simulation and optimization models are discussed and their structure and...

Savannah River Basin Flood Management Decision Support
The Savannah District Army Corps of Engineers has constructed and now operates three multipurpose reservoirs on the Savannah River. Hartwell, the most upstream of the three projects, is...

Integrated Design Methodology for Urban Stormwater Detention Facilities
The objective of this paper is to present the core of a design methodology that avoids the pitfalls of the design storm concept by using a microcomputer algorithm to estimate the long-term...

The ADP Problems of a River Basin Commission
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is an independent governmental agency that recently acquired its first in-house minicomputer system. The staff usage of this system has created two...

Large Scale Water Resources Systems Planning-Approach and Case Study
Planning approach for large scale water resource systems planning backed by models has been developed. Four hierarchial stages are identified and mulitlevel multiobjective models have...

Water Diversion at Low-Level Waste Disposal Sites
Shallow depth to groundwater, surface drainage, and subsurface flow during storm events are major environmental concerns of low-level radioactive waste management operations in humid regions....

Interbasin Transfers of Water in Ogallala States
Water rights to enable a major interbasin transfer can be obtained either through an initial appropriation or by acquiring an existing water right. All unappropriated surface water in...

Predicting Quality for Drainage Water Management
In 1982, 405 measurements of the subsurface drainage water quality parameter electrical conductivity (EC) in ds/m were collected. The data were obtained from 15 subsurface drains on 23...

Effect of Subsurface Drainage in the Lower Mississippi Valley on Surface Water Quality
Sediment and nutrient losses were measured from a subsurface drainage-runoff-erosion experiment for the years 1981 to 1984. The experiment, located near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, consisted...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Surface Water Quality in Delaware
Parts of Kent and Sussex counties, Delaware, require drainage to have productive agricultural soils. Drainage has been installed on the Delmarva Peninsula since colonial days. Drainage...

Use of Drainage Control to Minimize Potential Detrimental Effects of Improved Drainage Systems
Improved drainage systems are necessary on many soils for sustained agricultural production. However, there are several drainage system designs which can be utilized to satisfy agricultural...

Economics of Ditch Maintenance in Northwestern Ohio
A history of drainage and settlement in the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio is presented. The Ohio Ditch Law and county ditch maintenance program is explained. An economic comparison...

Incorporating Crop Water Use in Drainage Design in Arid Areas
A method of drainage design for use in arid areas was developed by combining procedures proposed by D. B. McWhorter along with plant uptake functions developed by D. W. Grimes and D. W....

A Practical Means for Estimating Irrigation Canal Seepage Contribution to Agricultural Subsurface Drains
This paper describes a means for estimating canal seepage contribution to nearby agricultural subsurface drains. Canal seepage rate is influenced by a complex of many variables, but the...

Daily Weather Forecasts Used to Manage Soil-Water
This paper describes a newly developed method for analyzing the rainfall probability data included in daily weather forecasts issued by the National Weather Service. The purpose is to...

Large Basin Runoff Forecasting on Small Computers
The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) developed a semiautomatic software package for making deterministic outlooks of basin moisture storage conditions, basin runoff,...

Microcomputers in Highway Drainage Design
This paper discusses some of the benefits and uses of microcomputers in highway drainage design and discusses the programs presently being developed. Subjects covered include hydrologic...

Floodplain Modeling for the Henry Street Basin
A study focusing on the primary conveyance system in the 5. 7 mi**2 Henry Street Drainage Basin in Hillsborough County, Florida was conducted to develop remedial measures for the control...





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