Recycling Allows Zero Wastewater Discharge
St. Petersburg, Florida, committed itself to total recycling of its wastewater with zero discharge to its surrounding bays. They plan to accomplish that goal through land disposal techniques....

Pipeline Bridge Uses Timber Arches
An arch bridge is utilized for the purpose of providing a river crossing for a water supply pipe. Tidal influence, an unfavorable riverbed situation complicated by estuarial and other...

Russia Redistributes River Flow
Large interbasin water-transfers are underway with several more scheduled in the Soviet Union, changing the direction of natural river flow. The overall plan is to expand agricultural...

Frost Heaves�� A Major Dilemma for Ice Arenas
The ice sheets of three arenas in Minneapolis-St. Paul have had frost heaves ranging from seven to eleven inches (0.2 to 0.3 m). Proper design should prevent frost from penetrating the...

Improved Design of Highway Culvert
New culvert design procedures, incorporating improved inlet concepts, make significant construction savings possible through hydrauically efficient use of the culvert barrel. Two representative...

North Sea Oil-Water Mix
In the North Sea between Britian and Norway, giant structures are rising in one of the world's largest efforts to extract oil and gas offshore. An overview of the problems...

New Method Dewaters Dredged Material, Cuts Lagooning Space
Disposal of the millions of cubic yards of dredged material produced each year in the maintenance of the nation's waterways is becoming a serious problem. Traditional methods...

Diary of a Sick Control System
A fictional account of the diary of Joe Civil, an engineer involved with a new computer control system for a 33 mile water pipeline. The diary relates many mishaps and ends with the note...

Proposed Standards: Land Disposal of Effluents
There are many alternatives to costly advanced waste treatment (AWT) systems. The most attractive of these is land disposal of the sewage effluents from secondary treatment plants. Land...

Keowee-Toxaway Power Project�� OUTSTANDING
The Keowee-Toxaway Power Project located in North and South Carolina received the 1975 OCEA Award. The many facets of this project appear overwhelming, yet this contributes to the remarkable...

Nation's Capital Faces Critical Water Problems
Untroubled by any major impoundments and much troubled by polution in its tidal reaches, the Potomac River continues to flow to the sea, while an increasing population depends on this...

The Floating Cover: Best Way to Cover a Finished-Water Reservoir�
With the increased attention being given to drinking-water quality in recent years, many states have been pressuring towns and cities to cover their open, finished-water reservoirs. Years...

US Water Cleanup Program Speeds Up�But Still Much Red Tape
Since Congress enacted the Federal Pollution Control Amendments (P.L. 92-500) in 1972, little progress has been made in cleaning up the nation's waters. In fact, public dollars...

Flow Equalization�Plus for Wastewater Treatment Plants
Flow equalization is important in maintaining optimum level performance in chemical water treatment plants. One way to do this is to build storage tanks upstream to regulate flow instead...

What's New in Water Treatment�
The Safe Drinking Water Act recently passed by Congress will have a definite impact on water treatment methods and especially on new standards and the monitoring thereof. Many have felt...

Local Land Use Control Over Critical Areas
Some people advocate land-use plans that ban development in environmentally critical areas. But courts are overturning such regulations because they take land without compensation. Better...

Salt Damaged Bridge Decks: Cathodic Helps
Cathodic protection of bridge decks against spalling caused by deicing salts has been demonstrated effective in decks already damaged. Construction of new decks may use other means to...

The Sinking of the Amsterdam Metro
Subway construction was not practical in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, until this new placement technique. Most of the buildings in Amsterdam rest on old, untreated wooden piles that would...

Protection of Piles: Steel, Concrete, Wood
Normal construction materials have a very limited life when placed in a corrosive soil or water environment; steel rusts, concrete spalls, and wood rots (if the insects don't...

Will Industry Meet Water-Quality Goals�
What impact will the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (PL 92-500) have on American industry? Able to cope with 1977 requirement to install best practicable technology (BPT)?...





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