Labor-Contractor Dialogue Transforms Worksite Atmosphere
In a climate of three-way communication between management, contractors and labor, the project owner saved money, increased productivity, cut down on time off the job for illness and injury...

Is Total CPM Really the Answer for Super Projects?
The concept of the critical path method (CPM) network scheduling is 25 years old. The CPM approach has now become almost synonymous with project management. Whether it is an appopriate...

Progress Since 1979 in Canada
The report that follows describes the Canadian progress in urban hydrology research and in applications of research findings during the period from 1979 to 1983. The main topics include...

Progress in Urban Hydrology in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1979
The importance of urban water problems have been increasingly realized in the 70's also in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). State authorities, communities, universities,...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Nigeria
Urban hydrological research is largely in its infancy in Nigeria. Most cities are unplanned and unsewered. There is no Hydrological Research Institute and only two or three Universities...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Finland
Due to a smaller scale of urban problems on Finland, active research work on urban hydrology began as late as in the mid-1970's. The major urban hydrology and related studies...

Urban Hydrology Progress Since 1979 in the U.S.
Much of the progress in urban hydrology in the U. S. occurred before 1979. Some of the results of activities initiated or reported before that date are just becoming widely known, however....

Progress on IHP Project A.2.9.
The initial work of Unesco in the area of urban hydrology was done by the Subgroup on the Effects of Urbanization on the Hydrological Environment during the International Hydrologic Decade...

Cold Regions Concreting
The quest for energy and other riches of the earth in the north regions, the establishment of permanent scientific and defense stations in cold regions, the high cost of project and construction...

Field Experience: Another Facet of Professional Development
Since young engineers rarely get the chance to get into the field and observe construction on site, either because of their firm's policy of not letting inexperienced people...

The Civil Engineer and the Decay of America's Infrastructure
With the infrastructure of the United States continuing to deteriorate, the problem becomes who will decide how much to spend in both repairing, maintaining and building new facilities...

Current Practice in Cost Estimating and Cost Control
This proceedings, Current Practice in Cost Estimating and Cost Control, covers all areas of costs related to the design and construction phases...

Pipelines in Adverse Environments II
State of the art and future trends in pipeline design, construction and maintenance are reviewed. Specific areas addressed include adverse terrain conditions, river crossings-particularly...

Urban Hydrology
National progress reports on urban hydrology are presented. These reports include assessments of advances that have taken place in the past five years, what progress has been made and...

Reliability-Based Design for Wood Structures: Potentials and Research Needs
Wood as a renewable resource is briefly discussed to provide an understanding of the complex nature of the relationship between its availability and its efficient use for engineered construction....

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management publishes quality papers that aim to advance the science of construction engineering, harmonize construction practices with design theories, and further...

Journal of Environmental Engineering
The Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers...

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
The Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering covers all phases of irrigation, drainage, engineering hydrology, and related water management subjects, such as watershed management, weather modification,...

Journal of Surveying Engineering
The Journal of Surveying Engineering covers the broad spectrum of surveying and mapping activities encountered in modern practice. It includes traditional areas such as construction surveys, control surveys,...

Journal of Transportation Engineering
The Journal of Transportation Engineering contains technical and professional articles on the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of air, highway, rail, and urban transportation,...





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